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Hey girlypops!!!!

What's up? You already know what's up.

A lot of stuff goes down in this chapter and I hope y'all like it. 💛

I hope you enjoy baby!

[seventeen weeks]

Zach didn't have a lot to get done today. He had a few errands to run but other than that it was a chill day. He was bored. Olive and Olivia were both editing all day and Zach honestly didn't have many friends in LA. He had thought about flying home for a few days but he wasn't sure. He would have to plan around his appointments. He was supposed to start going every other day but ever since he almost lost the baby while in Japan his doctor wanted him to continue going every week even if things were looking good.

Zach woke up to his alarm blasting in his ear at ten in the morning. He slept in a little because he was up late editing a video. He turned it off and grabbed his phone. He turned onto his back and unlocked his phone. He replied to some text messages before calling Jack back since he missed the call because he was sleeping.

He put it on speakerphone and set his phone on his chest. Jack answered after the second ring.

"Hey love."

"Hi bubba. Sorry I missed your call. I slept in." Zach's voice was raspy and quiet.

Jack chuckled. "That's okay you and her both need your beauty sleep."

"Yeah I went to bed a lot later than I normally do last night." Zach slowly sat up. "I had to get a video done for today."

Jack nodded even if Zach couldn't see him. "I can't wait to see it. The guys have been catching up on your videos. They said they wanted to be in one."

"I want them be in one but I don't want people to think that I'm using them. Everyone thought that for you and Olive. Don't forget Emma." Zach sighed and stood up. He walked to the bathroom and stood there.

"Yeah but you know that's not true. You are literally the kindest person out there. Don't let that get to you. Okay." Jack's voice soothed Zach.

"Okay. Um I was-"

"Jonah relax I know." Jack sighed. "I have to go love. I'm sorry. We have sound check and then a meeting."

Zach's shoulders dropped and a frown replaced the small smile on his lips. "Oh okay. I'll talk to you later. I love you."

"Yeah- oh my god Jonah fuck off I know- I'll call you later baby." Jack ended the call. Zach frowned and set his phone down.

Zach swallowed the lump that was quickly forming in his throat. He quickly blinked his eyes and turned to the shower. He turned it on and undressed. He stepped into the shower and leaned his head back into the boiling water. He felt a single tear fall down his face. He let out a shaky breath and wiped his face. He didn't know why he was getting worked up all of a sudden.

It was the first time Jack hadn't said I love you back.

Zach was sat at his kitchen table on his laptop. Ever since Olive and Olivia dragged him into that store he has been looking at baby things. It all just felt more real now.

Zach decided to get out of the house. He hated being alone all of the time. Zach turned his laptop off and picked his phone up. He opened Instagram and scrolled for a bit. He saw a specific picture that gave him a bad but good idea.

He was still a little mad at Jack but texted him anyway.

'Can we get a puppy?'

Zach set his phone down and got up he didn't feel like changing so he just slipped his shoes on and grabbed his backpack. He made sure he had his wallet and keys before leaving the house, locking the door behind him.

Oh Baby! // Jachary au Where stories live. Discover now