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Hey girlypops!!!

That picture is Zach's car btw if anyone cares 😂. Also this is based of the timeline of the Invitation Tour 2018. 💛 Just thought I would mention that.

Enjoy folks. 💛

[two weeks]

When Zach got out of bed that morning he felt awful. It wasn't unusual for him though. Every once in awhile his chest, his pecks, would be sore. As if he just bench pressed one hundred pounds. He would also have pain in his lower stomach near his hips. He figured it was just constipation because he also got like that around this time.

He just waved it off and went to get ready for work since he had to open the store today because Audrey has food poisoning and can't work. He picked out an outfit that would be suitable for Urban Outfitters and happened to be completely from there.

He set the clothes on his bed and went to his bathroom. He got in the shower quickly. When he was done he wrapped a towel around his waist and then blow dried his hair. He styled it quickly and then washed his face. He patted his face dry and put moisturizer on. He then brushed his teeth and put lotion on his body. He walked back into his room and shut the door before he dot dressed.

He sat on his bed and put his shoes on. Before he left the room he put deodorant and cologne on. He grabbed his phone and walked down the hall to the living area. He grabbed his backpack and keys. He ordered Starbucks through the app and left his house. He locked the door and headed out to his car. He got in and started it.

When he got to Starbucks he got his order and headed to work. He parked his car and grabbed his iced coffee and sandwich.

He did the whole process that came with opening the store before he logged into the register. He helped a few early morning customers.

About an hour later Chelsea came in for her shift and another girl named Lexi came in as well. Lexi was working another register while Chelsea was on the floor helping customers and stuff like that.

Zach had his phone on him today since he told Jack he didn't have to work today but he was at work.

Zach left the register to help a customer find something. The girl thanked him and continued shopping. Zach rolled his eyes when a girl vlogging walked in. Zach saw them all the time and he allowed them to film as long as they were respectful about it. Although he can't judge much since that's what Olive and Olivia do.

He went back to the counter and waited. He continued drinking his now watered down coffee. He checked his phone but Jack still hadn't called.

Zach just put a smile on his face and helped a customer.

Jack was coming out today.

No one knew about it except for the guys and their team. He was nervous as fuck. He knew that everyone would be accepting of him but that didn't mean his anxiety was any less present.

They had finished their last song and now was Jack's time.

Corbyn was going to record it for him.

They all took a drink of their waters and then stood together on the stage. Jack looked to the guys who nodded.

Jack took a breath before clearing his throat in the microphone. "Hey guys how are y'all doing?"

He got cheers in response.

Jack smiled before speaking again. "So I have something super special that I need to tell y'all. Can I do that?"

Oh Baby! // Jachary au Where stories live. Discover now