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Hey girlypops!!!

What the heck is up??

Enjoy this long as hell and super exciting chapter. 💛

[four weeks two days]

The day after they got back Zach laid in bed all day since he didn't have to be back to work for a few days. That didn't stop the cramping in his stomach and the constant throwing up.

Zach had no idea what was going on.

Olive was forcing him to go to the doctors tomorrow though. Zach only agreed because she hid his car keys.

[four weeks two days]

Zach woke up that morning by throwing up. Again.

Zach leaned against the bathtub and groaned. He ran a hand through his hair and pushed himself off of the floor. He flushed the toilet and looked at himself in the mirror.

He didn't look sick. Zach just shook it off and brushed his teeth then washed his face.

He quickly got dressed and grabbed his phone and backpack. He walked out to the living room where Olive was sitting and editing a video.

"Can I have my keys now?" Zach plopped down on the couch next to the girl and held his hand out.

"You're going to the doctors right?" She took her AirPod out and looked at Zach with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes." Zach rolled his eyes.

"Okay." She reached into her sports bra and pulled his car key out. She dropped it into his hand. "There ya go."

"That is so disgusting. Didn't you just get back from the gym?" Zach held the keys between his thumb and pointer finger.


"Whatever I'm leaving. I'll text you when I find out what the hell is wrong with me.

Zach pulled into the parking lot of the doctors office. He parked and turned the car off. He sighed before getting out and locking his car. He walked into the quiet building and walked to the front desk where a guy was sitting on the phone.

Zach waited until he was off of the phone to say anything.

"Sorry about that. We had a reschedule." He typed something on his computer before looking up at Zach. "What's the name?"

"Oh it's Zachary Herron."




"May twenty seventh 2000."


"Yeah." Zach took the card out of his wallet and handed it to the guy.


Zach gave it to him.

"And lastly phone number?"

Zach gave that to him as well.

"What seems to be the issue today?"

"Nausea and stomach cramping."

"Okay and how long has this been going on for?"

"Just a few days."

"Okay. You're all checked in. A nurse will come out and call your name soon."

Oh Baby! // Jachary au Where stories live. Discover now