▪️Vinte sete▪️

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Hey girlypops!!!

You already know what's up!

So another filler chapter I think. I'm sorry about that. I'm still building up to some better stuff. 😂💛

I hope you like it. 💛

[twenty four weeks three days]

Zach went back home. He had an appointment tomorrow and he also had work to get done. His family was also flying in soon. They were coming in on Thursday and then staying for a few days. Then they would all fly out to Dallas together for Thanksgiving.

Jack was having separation anxiety or at least that's what he was classifying it as. As more weeks past and March first was coming into better view he could feel the anxiety bubbling inside of him. He just didn't want anything to happen while he was gone. Especially now that they were more than halfway there.

They had just finished at the book signing and the little acoustic set and they were back on the bus. Jack needed to call the boy. He walked to the back room and locked the door. He sat on the floor and leaned against the door. He dialed Zach's number.

"Hey bub." Zach's voice was cheerful sounding.

Jack smiled. "Hey what's up?"

"Oh I just got done with some prefilming with the girls. They actually just left." Zach sat down on the edge of their bed.

"Oh okay. What're you doing now?"

"I was just going to lay down with Blue and probably watch a movie or something." Zach helped the small dog onto the bed.

"Alright. I just called to check in and say goodnight. Corbyn's sick and I don't want to bother him with talking later. He's got an awful headache." Jack kept his voice down.

"Okay. Call me tomorrow?" Zach was disappointed but he couldn't complain. They were both trying their best.

"Of course I will. I love you." Jack smiled.

"I love you too bub."

They ended their call and Zach laid down on his side, Blue laying next to him, and Netflix on his laptop screen.

[twenty four weeks four days]

Zach had yet another appointment. Until he got to trimester three he would have them every week.

Zach got out of bed and used the bathroom. Then he let Blueberry outside. He got something for breakfast and then let her inside. He ate before going to the bedroom and getting dressed.

After his appointment he was filming with the girls. They were going to film the being pregnant for a day video.

Zach looked in the mirror and turned to his side. He ran a hand over his bump. It was all still so surreal. He still couldn't believe that it was real. No matter how many times he saw her on an ultrasound or heard her heartbeat it was still so unbelievable to him. Jack too. Jack couldn't believe that this was happening. They had briefly talked about the future and having a family around their one year anniversary but they were still young and it was just talk. Now it was real though. And although it wasn't planned and they had no idea that this could have possible even happen they were far from being mad. At first they were both nervous because they didn't know if they were ready but they talked about it together. They knew it was going to be hard but they were ready. They had help from family and friends. Everyone around them was supportive and they couldn't be more grateful.

Oh Baby! // Jachary au Where stories live. Discover now