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Hey girlypops!!!

So I'm back. Last chapter was sorta prewritten which is why it was so short. Chapters will be natural length from here on. 💛

I hope y'all like it. It's a little angsty at parts but there are fluffy parts too. 💛

[twelve weeks two days]

Zach came to the conclusion that he liked it in Japan. He got out of the hospital the next day because everything was looking better for him and the baby.

Now they were in Osaka for the boys' show. Zach also uploaded another video. He was also getting tweets and messages from people who were concerned. He still hadn't told anyone except for their close families and friends that he was pregnant. The guys' families knew as well but that was it.

Someone saw him in the hotel crying and being put into the ambulance. There was a video that was circulating around and people wanted to know what was going on.

Zach didn't know if he was going to say anything about it. He didn't know if there was a lie that he could easily makeup so he didn't have to say the truth.

Zach didn't want to leave them in the dark though.


Zach looked up from the floor and at Jack. "What's up?"

"You zoned out quite a bit. You okay?" Jack sat next to him and wrapped an arm around him.

Zach set his head on Jack's shoulder. "Yeah I'm okay. Just thinking I guess."

"About what?"

"About everything. People want to know what happened. Have you seen the video?" Zach sighed and closed his eyes. He was stressed and needed to calm down. Jack reached over and cupped the side of Zach's face.

"You're okay. You don't have to say anything. That's up to you love. Okay?" Jack caressed Zach's cheekbone and glanced down at his lips.

"Okay." Zach whispered and smiled. Jack leaned in and gently pressed his lips to Zach's.

Jack pulled away and stood up. "I'll be right back."

Zach nodded and laid down on the couch. "Oof-"

"Sorry love." Jack laid down between Zach's legs and set his head on Zach's stomach. Jack pressed a kiss to Zach's stomach right above his belly button before closing his eyes. "I love you."

"I love you too." Zach ran his hand through Jack's hair.

"Ew gag. Get a room that isn't this one." Daniel's voice was monotoned and he didn't even look up from his phone.

"What's got your panties in a twist?" Corbyn smirked over at Daniel. Daniel's eyes widened at what Corbyn said. Why would he say that? He told Corbyn to keep his mouth shut. Daniel swallowed and glared at Corbyn.

"Shut up Corbyn." Daniel stood up and left the room. Everyone looked at Corbyn with confused eyes. Corbyn shrugged even though he knew what was up.

"I'll go check on him." Corbyn stood up and also left the room. Corbyn walked down the hall to the bathroom. He walked in and locked it when he only saw one pair of shoes in a stall.

"Dani?" Corbyn knocked on the stall door. Corbyn frowned when he heard a choked sob from behind the door. "Can you come out? Dani? Please love?"

"Don't- don't call me that." Daniel wiped his eyes with the palms of his hands and sniffled. "You're not allowed to call me that unless you mean it."

Oh Baby! // Jachary au Where stories live. Discover now