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Hey girlypops!!!

I hope y'all like this. A lot happens and you even get a frisky disky part so pls enjoy. 💛


[nine weeks two days]

Zach was absolutely exhausted. No matter how much he slept he was tired. He knew it was from the baby but he just couldn't get anything done. It was pissing him off. He also felt sick all the time. He felt the need to throw up every time he stood up.

Right now Zach was on his way to pick Jack up from the studio just like he did most days. He was stuck in traffic. It wasn't normal for there to be traffic at seven at night and Zach was irritated.

Jack called him so he answered. "Hey love."

"Hi Jack." Zach put his phone on speaker and kept his eyes on the standstill traffic in front of him.

"I just called to see if you were picking me up or if I should get a ride from Jonah." Jack was standing in the lobby with Jonah who was twirling his keys on his finger. He didn't mind giving Jack rides when he needed them. It's not like he had plans.

"I'm just stuck in traffic but you can go with Jonah if you want." Zach rolled his eyes. He had no idea where the sudden attitude came with but right now he didn't care.

"Are you upset?" Jack asked. Jonah gave him a confused look and Jack just shrugged.

"No I'm just peachy Jack." Zach's voice was monotone as traffic still stayed still. Zach sighed and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel.

"Did I do something wrong?" Jack was confused. He had no idea why Zach was upset with him.


"I'm not sure I believe you." Jack sighed and leaned against the wall.

"It's whatever Jack. Just go with Jonah. I'll see you at home." Zach's voice raised a bit although he didn't mean to.

"I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing! I just don't feel good and I haven't eaten since this morning." Zach was annoyed. "I don't know if you forgot or something but I'm literally growing a child inside of me right now."

"Are you okay?"

"Holy shit dude! No! I'm not! I've been stuck in traffic for almost two hours just to turn back around Jack!"

"I can wait for you." Jack kept his voice calm.

"Just go home Jack." Zach rolled his eyes.

"Zach if you're upset-"

"You're really pissing me off right now." Zach was legitimately angry.


"Bye Jack."

"Love you."


Zach ended the call and sat there for another forty five minutes before traffic started moving again. Then it took another forty five minutes to get home. He didn't get home until nine thirty at night. He pulled into the driveway and parked. He turned the car off and grabbed his backpack. He got out and locked his car.

He walked to the front door and unlocked it. He walked in and turned the light on. He slipped his shoes off and set his keys down on the entertainment stand. He locked the door and walked into the home. He was surprised to see Jack asleep at the dining table. His laptop was open and he was watching Zach's recent video.

Oh Baby! // Jachary au Where stories live. Discover now