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Hey girlypops!!!!

Enjoy this speedy update. 💛

[fourteen weeks]

The boy's album dropped today so there was a little release party with their record label. Zach was happy for them. They were all so happy and proud.

"Baby relax you look fine." Zach wrapped his arms around Jack and pulled him close.

"Do I though?" Jack wrapped his arms around Zach. He was nervous.

"Yes Jack. You look amazing okay?" Zach cupped Jack's face and pecked his lips.

"Thank you." Jack took a deep breath.

"Now let me go change quickly." Zach pulled away from Jack. He didn't want to change out of his sweatshirt and sweatpants. He was already showing a lot more than he was last week. Even Jack's pants were too small for him and they fit him last week.

"Okay. You're okay right?" Jack watched Zach walk to their closet. Jack quickly walked across the hall and grabbed a bag, bringing it back to the room.

Zach looked through his pants to try and find a pair that were dressy and not too casual. Most importantly ones that fit. "Yeah I just don't have any pants that fit and I haven't been able to go out and buy any."

Jack walked over to the boy. "Here."

Zach looked up at Jack. "What's that?"

"A gift. From me to you." Jack set the bag down in front of Zach who was crouching on the floor.

Zach opened the bag and pulled out a shirt first. It was a button up flannel shirt that was a little baggy and longer than a normal shirt. "Thank you bub."

"There's more."

Zach set the shirt down and pulled out a pair of black jeans. Zach looked up at Jack with a confused look on his face.

"I got them tailored for you. Sorta. There is a band in the waist that lets you control how big the waist is but the legs are your normal size. They should last for a few weeks. I figured we could try this pair before we get another pair." Jack shrugged. "Do you like them?"

"Yes. I love them." Zach stood up and pulled Jack into a hug. "Thank you."

"Of course. Now get dressed so we can take some pictures together before we leave." Jack winked at Zach and leaned on the doorframe of the walk in closet.

Zach raised a brow at Jack. "Are you just going to watch me change? You know that's a little bit creepy."

Jack shrugged. "I'm your hype man baby. I know you're going to look in that mirror right there and be insecure. I'm going to make sure you don't feel like that."

Zach chuckled and rolled his eyes as he pulled his sweatpants down his legs, throwing them in the hamper. "Jack stop looking at me like that."

"Like what? I'm just looking at you. I think you're sexy. What's so wrong about that?" Jack smirked when a blush covered Zach's cheeks.

"Baby stop." Zach pouted as he pulled his sweatshirt over his head. He dropped it into the hamper and looked to his right and into the mirror. He set a hand on his stomach and looked away. He quickly grabbed the shirt off the floor and pulled it over his arms.

Jack grabbed Zach's hands. "Relax. You look great love."

"It's just- I don't know. I thought the gaining weight and getting fat thing would be okay with me but it's not. I've worked so hard for my body and I was finally happy with it." Zach paused and cleared his throat. "It doesn't matter though. We should probably leave soon."

Oh Baby! // Jachary au Where stories live. Discover now