▪️Vinte e quatro▪️

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Hey girlypops!!!

I hope you like this. Once again it is a bit shorter than normal but I promise the next one will be longer. I have some exciting things planned for the next few chapters. 💛

I hope you enjoy it. I tried to make it not sad even if I was sad while writing it. 💛

[twenty one weeks three days]

"Oh my god you have got to be kidding me!" Zach gawked as he looked in Olive's full length giant ass mirror in her living room.

"What?" Olive rushed into the room with her fiancé following close behind her.

It was the day of the Streamys and Zach was getting ready at the girls' house. He decided to go by himself. All of his friends were already invited so he decided to go alone.

He had his black jeans already on and was about to put his shirt on when he noticed something in the mirror.

"I have stretch marks." Zach whined. He only had a few and they were by his waist area. He had done everything possible to help prevent them even if they were inevitable.

"Oh you poor baby." Olive rolled her eyes and walked over to him. "I've got them too. On my ass. There's nothing wrong with them. It's apart of the process and once she's born you can get rid of them. Your body just isn't used to gaining weight this quickly. You hardly gain weight like ever."

"Okay." Zach sighed and grabbed the button up. It was Off-White. He buttoned it up and adjusted it. It helped hide his bump since it was a longer, more baggy shirt. Then he put his shoes on which were just some black Chelsea boots. Last was the black blazer. Layers help hide the bump. He turned to the girls who we doing their makeup at the dining table. Zach just sat next to them.

He went on his phone just scrolling through social medias until Jack called him. Zach got up and walked back into the living room.

He answered the call.

"Hey love."

Zach smiled at the sound of Jack's voice. "Hi bub. What's up?"

"I just know you have the Streamys today so I thought I would call and say good luck. You deserve to win. You work so hard on your videos. I want Olive to facetime me or something when it's time for the one you're nominated for. I want to pretend to be there even if you don't win." Jack's voice was soft.

"Okay. I'll let her know." Zach paused and set a hand on his stomach. "Thank you."

"For what?" Jack's voice held confusion.

"For being so supportive of everything. You're the best fiancé a guy could ask for." Zach was beyond grateful for everything Jack did for him.

"Of course. How could I not? You have always been supportive of me and my dream. Now it's my turn." Jack was smiling and Zach knew it.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

When they got to the actual award show Zach got nervous. He had to walk a red carpet and he had never done that before. He kept asking the girls if he looked okay during the short walk.

They had to get in line for it. The girls went before Zach. They walked it separately before coming together for a few.

Zach was instructed to go and he did. He put his hands on his front pockets and looked at the many flashing lights in front of him. He kept moving down the line when told until he was done. He let out a breath and met up with the girls.

Oh Baby! // Jachary au Where stories live. Discover now