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Hey girlypops!!!!

What the gosh darn is up?

I hope y'all enjoy this bad boy. 💛

Also BIG PLANS is a fucking bop.

Also also I did my nails like Jack's for funsies so that's the picture at the top 😂

Also also also thank you for 1k reads. I love y'all. 💛💛

[four weeks five days]

Zach was tired of throwing up. He was already sick of having this thing growing inside him and he's only four weeks in.

He was at work for another twelve hour shift and he was exhausted. He hasn't had caffeine all week since it's bad for the baby growing inside him.

"You okay Zach? No offense but you look like a mess." Chelsea was helping him at the registers again today.

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just tired. I can't have caffeine anymore." Zach leaned on the counter. It was nearing closing time so there weren't very many people out shopping at almost ten at night.

"Oh that sucks. I know how much you love your coffee." Chelsea was working on closing the cash register now.

"Yeah but it'll be worth it in the long run." Zach stood up straight and helped their last customer. He thanked her and she smiled before leaving. Zach then closed the store and untied his apron. He closed up the second register before he was able to leave. He said goodbye to Chelsea and Bethany who was also working with them.

"By Zach." Bethany hung up her apron and left.

"Bye Beth." Zach waved as he finished a bit of paperwork.

Chelsea said goodbye as well before she left. It was about ten minutes later before Zach was finished with his work. Zach gathered his stuff and left. He walked out to his car. He started it and plugged his phone into the aux cord. He played some music and sat there for a bit.

Zach's phone starting ringing and he jumped. He answered it.

"Hey love."

"Hey Jack."

"You're done with work right?" Jack was at the studio with the guys.

"Yeah I just got done. I was about to leave when you called." Zach switched his position so his leg was bent and his foot was up on the seat. "I'm just in the car."

"Can I come over? I sleep better when I'm with you." Jack flipped his friends off when they laughed at him.

"Of course you can. I can pick you up if you want." Zach put his phone on speakerphone and started the car.

"I'm at the studio. You remember the address right?" Jack leaned back on the couch and closed his eyes. He was tired.

"Yeah I dropped you off this morning remember?" Zach chuckled and pulled out of the parking garage.

"Oh yeah. I forgot."

"I'll be there soon." Zach chuckled and took a drink of his water.

"Okay. I love- shut the fuck up Daniel. I love you."

Zach just laughed as he pulled through a green light. "I love you too baby."

Zach pulled up outside the building he turned the car off. He got out of the car and locked it. He quickly paid the meter. He walked into the building and signed in at the front desk. He was escorted up by a receptionist to where the boys were.

Oh Baby! // Jachary au Where stories live. Discover now