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Hey girlypops!!!!

I hope you enjoy this little wrap up on my my favorite thing I've ever written. Something that I started writing as a coping mechanism for my own pregnancy turned into something much greater so I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did. 💛

I love you all so so so much and thanks for reading this. 💛

"I'll come out and get you."

Zach smiled where he sat in his car. Nova was in the backseat just sleeping. "Okay. I'll get her ready then."

They ended the call and Zach got out of the car. He walked around the car and opened the back door. He put the backpack on his back before unbuckling Novalia. She stirred a little and let out a small whine. Zach just rocked her gently, placing a blanket over her before she settled and fell back to sleep on his shoulder. He made sure he had everything before locking the car. He held one hand under her bum and the other on her back as he walked.

He started walking to the entrance to meet Jack. Jack saw him and smiled. They met and shared a small kiss before walking towards the entrance together. Jack set a hand on the small of Zach's back as they walked passed the fans and into the venue.

It had been about a week since Zach posted the video.

When they were inside Jack took Nova from Zach's arms as they walked to the green room. Jack smiled and gently caressed her cheek as she slowly woke up from all the noise. Her bottom lip trembled before she started to cry.

"Awe baby. You're okay." Jack gently rocked her as Zach grabbed a premade bottle from the backpack. He handed it to Jack who gave it to their daughter. She calmed down.

"She hasn't eaten since we left."

"Oh okay."

They slowly started walking to the green room. The other boys were there just chilling before the show.

Jack carefully sat down on the couch, Zach sitting next to him and resting his head on the boys shoulder. Zach was tired.

"Wow that's cute." Tate looked at the as she looked up from her phone.

Jack smiled and looked down at Zach who had presumably fallen asleep on his shoulder. "Thanks."

After the show Jack had to leave right away. Zach hugged him the best he could as he held an infant in his arms. Zach leaned up and pressed a kiss to Jack's lips. "I love you."

"I love you too. I'll see you soon okay?" Jack pecked Zach's lips again. "Call me when you put her to bed okay?"

Zach nodded and handed her to Jack. She was awake but very obviously tired. She had a finger in her mouth that Jack pulled away. Jack kissed her forehead and held her close to his body. "Love you Nova. I'll see you soon babygirl."

Jack reluctantly handed her back to Zach. "Bye love."

"Bye bubba."

Zach watched Jack get on the bus before he walked back to his car, keys in hand. He unlocked the car and put Novalia inside, buckling her into her car seat. He put a blanket over her before putting the backpack in and closing the door. He got into the drivers seat before heading home. When he got home he did the usual. He brought her inside.

He set everything down before walking to her room. He put her into some pajamas before making a bottle for her. She was lactose intolerant so they had to use a special formula. He held her and sat in the rocking chair as he fed her. She finished and fell asleep in his arms. He smiled, kissed her head, and put her in her crib. He turned the small light on her dresser on before turning the lights off. He turned the baby monitor on before leaving the room and leaving the door open a bit.

He went to the kitchen and gave Blueberry her food before letting her outside to use the bathroom. He let her in when she was done. Then he went to his bedroom and to the bathroom. He took a shower before changing into comfy clothes. He got into bed and set an alarm for the morning. He plugged his phone in before closing his eyes and falling asleep.

The next following weeks were hard. Zach had grown so used to Jack being there.

Jack had called everyday and Zach had help from the girls but it was still hard. He knew that none of it was in his control and that's what made it so hard.

When Jack came back it was relieving.

It felt like a weight was lifted off of his shoulders only to be put back on when the older boy left again for tour. The second time was harder.

Zach tried not to worry about it much. He didn't want to stress himself out.

Right now seemed to be one of those stressful moments.

Nova was sick and wailing. Zach was trying to get her to take the medicine that they had gotten from the doctor but she just spit it out. She wouldn't eat either. Zach was trying his best but he didn't know how much longer he could do this for before he went insane.

When he did get her to finally take the medicine she cried for a bit longer before she would eat. She fell asleep in Zach's arms and the boy let out a sigh of relief. She had been up since five in the morning and it was now noon.

Zach stood up and walked to her room. He put her in her crib before sitting in the rocking chair.

Jack walked in a few moments later trying to be as quiet as he could. He set his stuff in the living room before walking down the hallway. He stopped when he got to Nova's room. He pushed the door all the way open and smiled at the sight. He walked over to Zach and gently woke him up so he could go lay down for real.

Zach shot awake and looked around, slightly confused.

Jack grabbed the boys hands and whispered, "relax baby. You go to the bedroom and sleep. I'll take care of her if she wakes up okay?"

Zach nodded and pulled Jack into a hug. "Thank you."

"Of course." Jack paused and kissed Zach's head. "We're a team in this."

"A team."

1029 words

And there we have it, Oh Baby! is over. There won't be a sequel but there will be a bunch of bonus chapters coming in the next few weeks so keep an eye out for those. 💛

I hope you liked it. 💛

Let me know what you think. 💛

- cassandra

Oh Baby! // Jachary au Where stories live. Discover now