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Hey girlypops!!!

What the heck is up?

I hope y'all enjoy this bad boy.

[eight weeks four days]

Zach felt like shit.

He had been so sick all week and everything he tried to eat made him sick. He basically sat in bed all week editing.

His phone started ringing so he answered it. "Hello?"

"Hi baby. I just wanted to see how you're feeling." Jack's voice made Zach physically relax.

"I feel better than yesterday. Still have cramps and my chest still hurts but that's all normal." Zach sat up against the headboard and set his laptop to the side.

"Have you tried to eat anything again?" Jack asked as he stood outside of the studio.

"No everything makes me throw up." Zach threw the comforter off of his legs. He moved his legs so the hung off the side of the bed.

"I know love but you should try." Jack brushed his hair out of his face. "I could stop for groceries on my way home. Is there anything that you want?"

"I know I should." Zach sighed as he slowly stood up and walked to the kitchen. He opened a cupboard and pulled the bread out.

"I'll be home around five. We get done here around four."

"Okay sounds good." Zach put two pieces of bread in the toaster.

"I love you."

"I love you too bub."

They ended the call and Zach finished making his toast. He put some butter on it and sat down at the island after grabbing his water bottle.

He ate while scrolling through his Instagram feed. He started scrolling through his tagged photos and liked some. He noticed how people were worried that he wasn't on social media a lot these past couple of days.

He finished eating before making an Instagram story. "Hey guys so I just wanted to say I'm sorry for not posting or being on here a lot. I'm sick and have been in bed for like four days straight. I have a new vlog coming tomorrow though."

He posted it before washing his plate. He got more water before going back to his room. He grabbed his laptop and went out to the living room.

He finished editing so he exported it and uploaded it to post tomorrow.

He didn't feel absolutely awful so he decided to get some more work done. He cleaned up a bit and did some laundry. He also answered some emails.

Then he was bored again.

There wasn't much for him to do and he was always at home. Jack was always busy since tour was starting up again and Olive was always in meetings since she had new merch coming out.

He didn't really have many friends in LA despite how long he had been living there.

Zach jumped out of his thoughts when his phone started ringing. He read that it was Jack so he answered it quickly.

"Jack? Is everything okay?" Zach sat back into the couch.

"Actually it's Jonah and I guess you could say everything is not okay." Jonah was out of breath.

"What do you mean? Jo what happened?" Zach stood up and hurried to the bedroom.

"Well Jack and Corbyn were messing around as they do and Jack slipped and fell and now he's in an ambulance on his way to the hospital. I figured I should call you." Jonah rushed his words out as he ran down the stairs and out to his car.

Oh Baby! // Jachary au Where stories live. Discover now