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Hey girlypops!!!

I've done so much research for this book because I've never been pregnant and I probably won't ever be pregnant. So if someone were to look through my search history right now they would probably be hella concerned. 😂😂

Anyway enjoy folks!

[1 week four days]

It's been a week and a half since Jack had visited. The two boys had spent as much time with each other as they could. Whenever Zach wasn't working he was with Jack.

Zach was tired.

He was just exhausted all of the time and he had no idea why.

He usually works during the day. Then he's taking some courses online through the local community college. But he usually gets a good amount of sleep.

He was currently at work.

He manages an Urban Outfitters. He's worked here since he moved here when he was sixteen.

He moved here with Jack. Well Jack and his band.

Obviously that all changed when the band got their record deal and was constantly on tour.

Zach didn't mind. He really didn't. He was happy for Jack and everything he has accomplished. He wouldn't lie though and say that he missed Jack, especially after he came back to LA.

Right now Zach was in the back working on paper work and waiting for Jack's call. He had promised to call after their show.

"Hey Zach can you come here for a second?" Chelsea, one of his employees, stepped into the back room. He looked at her and could already tell that there was a difficult customer. They got them all the time here. Zach just nodded and stood up. He tied his apron around his waist and walked out. He plastered a smile on his face as he walked behind the counter.

"He's the manager? He looks like he's going into seventh grade." The middle aged woman had a scowl on her face.

"I am in fact the manager and I'm eighteen." Zach smiled at her. "What seems to be the problem?"

"Are you sure there isn't anyone else older I can talk to?" She rolled her eyes and set her purse on the counter.

"I'm sorry ma'am I'm the best you're gonna get. Now what is the problem?" Zach forced a smile.

"I want to return this shirt. It didn't fit my daughter. I even have the receipt." She set the shirt on the counter. Zach could barely contain his laugh.

"Ma'am that's not from our store. This is from Brandy Melville. We're Urban Outfitters." Zach pointed to the tag on the shirt and then the receipt.

"No it's- oh maybe it is. Whoops." She took the shirt off the counter and then grabbed the receipt. "Thanks for the help."


Zach waited for her to exit before he rolled his eyes. "That was annoying."

"Yeah she wouldn't listen to me when I told her we couldn't accept it." Chelsea smiled as a customer walked up to the counter.

"Alright I'll be in the back finishing the schedule for next week if you need me. After that I'll come back out and help." Zach walked back when she nodded.

He sat down at the desk and ran his hands over his face. He picked the pencil back up and finished what he had started. When he was done he made copies for everyone and set them out. He also posted one on the board.

Oh Baby! // Jachary au Where stories live. Discover now