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Hey girlypops!!!!

This is a bit shorter than normal but I hope y'all still like it. 💛

[week seven day two]

Zach had just finished uploading a video and was now laying in bed. He was bored and Jack was at a meeting and then he was visiting Corbyn in the hospital since he had surgery on his throat.

He texted Olive to see if she was free to hang out but she said she needed to film a video. Zach said he could help her.

She agreed and said that they could do a buying each other outfits video. They had talked about it before but now Zach had a channel so it was now a collab.

They were going to buy each other's for their channel. Zach was going to drive them as usual. He quickly got ready before grabbing his MacBook, AirPods, camera, and his cords. He put them in his backpack before grabbing his keys. He went out to his car and started it. He plugged his phone into the aux cord and set his camera up. He pressed the record button before pulling out of the driveway.

"Hey guys what's up? I hope you're doing well." He kept his eyes on the road as he spoke. "Today is gonna be my first real collab which is dope. I'm currently going to pick her up."

The drive to her house wasn't long only about ten minutes. He stayed in the car and texted her that he was outside.

She came outside and Zach smiled at her. He unlocked the car and she climbed into the front seat.

"Hey bitch."

"Hey girlypop." Zach rolled his eyes at her. He looked at his camera as she set hers up in the dashboard of his car. "So I guess it's not that surprising that I'm collabing with Olive. She is my best friend after all."

"Hey guys. What do you call them?" Olive buckled her seatbelt and looked over at Zach.

"I haven't thought of anything yet." Zach put the car into reverse and pulled out of her driveway.

"It better be something really good or I'll be disappointed." She grabbed Zach's phone to choose the music. "Have you told them what we are doing?"

"Not yet. I was waiting until I picked you up." Zach glanced at her before focusing on the road. "We are buying each other's outfits. She's buying mine for my channel and I'm getting hers for hers. Obviously. How many do we want to do?"



"To the mall we go."

They got mall and immediately split up.

Zach had an idea of what he wanted to get but he wasn't sure yet. He had a good majority of what he needed though.

He also told Olive to size up on the pants because he wasn't sure if his size fit him anymore because he hasn't worn regular jeans in almost a week. He was nervous to because he knew that it would make him self conscious. He really didn't want that.

When he was done with the shopping he sat at a table and waited for Olive to be done. He jumped when someone tapped his shoulder. He turned around and saw three teenaged girls.

"Sorry we didn't mean to scare you." The girl was short with dark skin.

"No it's fine." Zach chuckled and stood up. "What's up?"

"We were just wondering if we could get a picture with you?" Another girl who was taller than the first with olive skin spoke up.

Oh Baby! // Jachary au Where stories live. Discover now