▪️Vinte e nove▪️

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hey girlypops!!!

um so a lot happens and i think this is the longest chapter of the whole book. i really liked how this turned out and i hope y'all do too. 💛

i hope you like it. 💛

[twenty six weeks four days]

Zach woke up feeling weird. Not a bad weird but just weird.

He had gotten back from Dallas two days ago and Jack left yesterday to go back. That meant Zach was alone again and he wasn't liking it.

He woke up with another practice contraction which he had been getting a lot more recently. But as usual he just needed to change his position to make them go away. It was annoying when he was trying to get any sort of work done especially filming with someone else.

He also hardly left the house anymore since he didn't want people to see him. There was no more hiding that he was growing a baby inside of him.

Zach sighed and got out of bed. He took a shower and got dressed in some sweatpants and random long sleeved shirt in his closet. It definitely didn't come from Jack's side of the closet that's for sure. He gave up on hiding his bump. He was just going to hang out with the girls today and probably help them film.

He put on a jacket since it was a little chilly outside though. He sat down to put his socks and shoes on. Then he grabbed his laptop and its charger and put it in his backpack. He walked to the kitchen and grabbed a breakfast bar and his water bottle from the fridge. He let Blue outside and let her use the bathroom before letting her inside. He was bringing her with as usual since he didn't like leaving her alone.

Zach then left. The drive was pretty traffic filled since it was around lunch hour. He didn't mind though. He listened to music.

When he got to the girls house he walked in. They were in the kitchen filming a baking video. Zach waved at them and sat at the kitchen table to eat his breakfast.

They finished filming and sat next to him.

"So Jack comes back tomorrow right?" Olive asked as she ate a cookie they just made.

"Yeah he gets in tomorrow evening." Zach grimaced as a throbbing pain started growing in his lower back.

"You okay?" Olivia asked as she transferred the footage to her computer.

"Yeah my back just hurts like a lot." Zach leaned back in the chair. "I still have fourteen weeks. Fourteen! You know how many that is? I'm sick of it. I'm always uncomfortable. It took me forty five minutes to fall asleep last night. I will never do this again. I'm never having sex again. From now on I will be celibate."

"Okay good luck with that." Olive chuckled.

"I mean I like having her in there but I also want her out." Zach groaned. "It's like cooking and waiting for it to be done. You just want it done. She's taking too long to cook in there but she also needs it so I don't know."

"Yeah but when she is actually born it will be worth the wait. You'll get to hold her and care for her. You'll love it." Olivia looked up from her laptop and at Zach.

"I know. I'll probably cry like a baby as ironic as that is." Zach smiled and stood up. He stretched his arms over his head. His legs were starting to go numb so he needed to get up and move around.

"You're so cute. You look so cute pregnant." Olive cooed as Zach's shirt lifted up a bit.

Zach rolled his eyes but smiled anyway. "Yeah yeah whatever."

Oh Baby! // Jachary au Where stories live. Discover now