q + a answers

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hey girlypops!!!

here are the answers to your questions. there aren't that many but i thought i would post it anyway.

Q: do you read other books and heavily compare your writing to others?
A: yes and no. I don't really read anymore. There are like four books I read and keep up with.

Q: how do you feel about Jack's baby? Are you going to continue this book?
A: i was low key and still am a little jealous. I talked about it in 'why i hate mothers day'. And that makes me upset that I was jealous because I should be happy for them. And I will continue this book because I started it as a kind of way to deal with my own pregnancy even if that's no longer a thing.

Q: how're you doing?
A: I'm okay I guess. I had my baby like almost four weeks ago and my body still hurts. having a baby hurts bro 😂

Q: does it hurt?
A: maybe tmi but like giving birth hurts so bad even if you have an epidural. Like you actually have to push a small human out of a small hole. My baby wasn't even fully grown so I can't even imagine a full sized newborn. I'm losing weight which is nice and I can fit into my old jeans. Emotionally I'm fine still low key sad. It still hurts. My doctor says it takes 3-6 weeks to heal after giving birth so that's fun. also your vagina hurts a fuck ton 😂

Q: where/how do you make your covers?
A: i go to Pinterest and search orange/pink/peach aesthetic then I crop it to a 4x6 and then go edit it in VSCO and the use photoshop on my computer. That's it.

Q: can you recommend any authors?
A: lol sorry but no. I don't read very much if I'm being completely honest. Sorry. ❤️

Q: What was being pregnant like?
A: bro that shits crazy. At first it sucks because you feel nauseous literally 24/7 but after that it's great. I just felt happy all of the time. It's a nice feeling knowing you are literally growing a human inside you. People also treat you different when you're pregnant, it's weird. Also you don't have your period so that's nice. I still haven't gotten it back yet so who knows.

Q: What makes you the happiest?
A: my family because they are so supportive and caring. Writing also makes me happy.

Q: how old are you?
A: i am 17 👍

Q: how're you doing now? (5/31/2019)
A: better, like a lot better. i have been pretty happy recently. i made a little scrapbook for her with my best friend. she also got me a small ring with the leo lion on it.

Q: why did you choose the name you guys chose?
A: i honestly don't think i have a solid reason. we were making a list of names we liked and he brought that one up and it kinda stuck with us.

Q: how did you deal with grieving?
A: my family and friends always made sure I was okay. They always tried to get my mood up and keep my mind off of it. They also were just there for me whenever I needed to cry lol. Everyone deals with grieving differently though.

Someone messaged me and asked how she died. They weren't being rude and I don't mind talking about it now. After the autopsy they told us she had a blood clot in her heart so her blood wasn't flowing as it should have been. They said that if that wouldn't have happened then she would have been fine and healthy. There wasn't really a way for them to see that and prevent it.

That's all buddies.

- Cassandra

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