▪️Vinte e oito▪️

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Hey girlypops!!!!

I hope y'all like this.

Also don't spoil things in the comments. This isn't targeting anyone but it's frustrating. I luv you all tho. 💛

[twenty five weeks three days]

Zach's family didn't end up coming into town because they were all sick and didn't want Zach to get sick. Instead Zach was going to fly out on the the twenty first with Jack.

It was around three in the morning when he got a call. He was confused at first but answered it.

"Hello?" Zach's voice was groggy from being woken up.

"Hey it's Luke. Um Elias is in the hospital right now. He woke up in tears from pain. I know it's late but can you please come here." Luke's voice was shaking. Zach could tell that the boy was having a hard time.

"Yeah of course. Text me which one and I'll be there soon." Zach quickly got out of bed. Zach had quickly become friends with Luke and Elias. They were both really sweet.

They ended the call and Luke texted him the hospital that they were at.

Zach got dressed and tried to wake up a little before leaving the house. He made his way to the hospital quickly since the streets were mostly empty.

He parked and made his way inside. He saw Luke inside pacing back and forth. Zach walked up to him and set a hand on his shoulder. Luke turned around and Zach gave him a small smile before pulling him into a hag. Luke hugged him back. Zach rubbed his back.

"He'll be okay. So will the baby." Zach pulled back and looked at Luke's face. Luke nodded and wiped his face.

They sat in the waiting room for a bit before a nurse came out. Luke stood up and Zach stood to the side.

"So he's okay. The baby on the other hand is struggling. Elias' blood pressure keeps fluctuating. We want to keep him here until it settles down and is normal again." She explained and then looked at Zach. "And you are?"

"Oh um I'm Zach. I'm Elias' friend." Zach gave her a small smile and put his hand out. She shook it.

"Okay so I know it's not appropriate but could I have your number?" She looked at him. Luke was standing to the side trying to hold back his smirk.

"Sorry I'm engaged." Zach smiled. He didn't get hit on a lot, especially by girls so this was extremely awkward for him. Zach shrugged. "I'm also gay so there's that."

"Oh okay. I'm sorry." She quickly told them what room Elias was in before going back to work.

"Dude you were so awkward. Have you ever been hit on by a girl before?" Luke chuckled as they walked down the hall.

"Um not since like high school. I mostly get hit on by guys every once and awhile. I've been told I give off a gay vibe." Zach rolled his eyes. He did not give off a gay vibe.

Luke scoffed. "Yeah okay. My boyfriend gives off a gay vibe. Compared to him you're straight as hell." Luke stopped and knocked on a the door.

"Come in." Elias' voice was soft.

"Do you want me to stay out here?" Zach asked. He didn't want to just barge in.

"No. He wanted you to come." Luke opened the door. Elias was laying on the bed. He was hooked up to a lot of wires. Zach remembered when he had the scare in Japan and he was in a similar situation. Luke walked up to the boy while Zach stayed back. Luke sat on the edge of the bed and brushed Elias' hair from his face. "Hey you. You okay?"

Oh Baby! // Jachary au Where stories live. Discover now