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Hey girlypops!!!!!

I hope you like this. 💛

It's the last chapter whoops.

[four days post partum]

This was the day Zach was absolutely dreading. He was discharged today. Of course he wanted to get out of the hospital but not alone.

Zach packed everything into his bag and went to go pick it up when he remembered he wasn't allowed to.

Jack's came back into the room to see Zach just tstanding there looking out the window. Jack walked over to the boy and pulled him in for a hug. Zach's eyes fluttered shut and he rested his head on Jack's shoulder.

"You okay?" Jack rubbed Zach's back. Zach nodded but Jack knew the truth. Jack frowned and kissed the boy's head. "You're going to see her before we leave right?"

Zach nodded again. "Yeah. I just wanna say goodbye even if I'll be here tomorrow."

"Okay. I'll bring the stuff to the car and I'll meet you there okay?" Jack pulled back and looked at Zach's face. Zach nodded and looked up at Jack. Jack gave a small smile and leaned down to peck Zach's lips.

Zach left the room heading to his current favorite and least favorite place.

He looked through the glass of the NICU. There were tons of babies in there with all sorts of conditions and problems. His eyes landed on one special baby though. Jack had brought a picture of them and put it on her incubator. She finally had her eyes open even though she couldn't really see anything except light.

A nurse walked up to him with a smile. She set a hand on Zach's shoulder. "Nova right?"

Zach nodded and kept his eyes on his daughter. "Yeah."

"She's developing well. She's hearing pretty good already and she's almost two pounds. She'll be healthy and out of here in no time." The nurse smiled at him. "Now let's get her in your arms."

Zach laughed lightly and followed the lady into the room. There were some other parents in there as usual. There was one couple that he saw there almost everyday. Their baby had trouble breathing on his own. They were really nice though. Zach went into the room. He washed his hands and sat in the chair. The nurse set Novalia on his chest. Zach set one hand on her back and the other under her bum. The diaper she had on was much to big for her. Zach gently caressed her back with his thumb. The nurse left as Jack was coming into the room. Jack sat next to him in the other chair.

Zach leaned back and craned his neck to look at her face. She had her eyes closed as she usually did. She had a breathing tube in her nose, a feeding tube in her belly, and monitors watching her breathing and heart. It was definitely not a sight that new parents want to see.

Zach looked past it and looked at his beautiful girl. He never felt more warm and comfort in a hospital than he did holding her. He was never a super religious person but he had faith in her. Maybe it was hope but isn't that what he's supposed to have?

"You okay love?" Jack's voice was soft as he set a hand on Zach's knee.

"Yeah just scared. I think that's normal though." Zach closed his eyes and found comfort in the small room.

"Yeah. I think it's okay for us to be scared right now. We'll be okay though." Jack offered the younger boy a small smile. "I love you."

"I love you too."

An hour couldn't have gone by quicker and Zach hated it. He just wanted to hold her forever but he couldn't.

Oh Baby! // Jachary au Where stories live. Discover now