▪️Vinte seis▪️

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Hey girlypops!!!!

I hope you're doing well. 💛

I know this is unbelievably short and I'm sorry. I was spending time with my boyfriend's family today so I didn't have much free time.

I hope you like it anyway. 💛

[twenty three weeks two days]

Zach last minute decided to go with the boys on their book signing tour. He didn't think it would be a good idea but the guys convinced him.

It was their second stop and Zach went to the place with them today. The fans didn't know he was going with them.

They were in the hotel and Zach woke up with a headache. He just sighed and closed his eyes. He could hear the fans outside. They somehow found the hotel that they were staying at.

Jack was already awake and on his phone. Zach groaned and quickly got out of warm bed and rushed to the bathroom. He had to pee.

He walked back out into the room and sat back on the bed. Jack leaned over and laid his head on Zach's lap. He wrapped his arms around Zach and smiled.

"What are you doing?" Zach laughed and ran his fingers through Jack's hair.

"Nothing." Jack looked up at Zach and pressed a kiss to Zach's bare stomach. "Are you warm?"

"No I'm fine." Zach smiled down at the older boy.


They sat there for a bit just enjoying each other's company before they got up to get ready. Zach packed on the layers. He had joggers on, a sweatshirt, and a jean jacket.

When they had to go they grabbed all of their stuff before heading downstairs. They're up with everyone else in the lobby before heading outside. Zach grabbed Jack's hand as they walked outside. The boy's couldn't stop so they just walked straight to the bus. People were surprised to see Zach.

Zach kept his head down as he walked onto the bus he sat on the couch and pulled his laptop out. He had a video to edit. It was a cooking video. It was by himself which he liked.

"Already working. Dude take a break. Aren't you your own boss? Take a day off." Corbyn sat across from Zach.

"Yeah but I want to post this week. I haven't been posting as frequently since I can't really do much anymore." Zach shrugged and took his airpods out.

"Yeah but you shouldn't be stressing yourself out like this." Corbyn raised an eyebrow at Zach.

"Yes mother I know." Zach rolled his eyes. "I'm fine but thanks for the concern."

Corbyn nodded and took his phone out and they started heading to the mall where the book signing was taking place. Zach sat Indian style as he edited the video. He had a concentrated look on his face.

He finished the video since he already started and it wasn't a hard video to edit. He exported it and uploaded it to post for tomorrow. He then closed his laptop and put it back in his backpack. He also posted an Instagram picture. It was an older one but he knew that no one would notice.

It was from before he was even close to showing. Him and Olive had done a little mini photo shoot for when he was showing a lot.

 Him and Olive had done a little mini photo shoot for when he was showing a lot

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