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Hey girlypops!!!

I hope you guys like this. 💛

[ten weeks two days]

Jack had been busy a lot the past few days since he left on Saturday for tour. Zach had been trying to distract himself by vlogging.

"Hey guys what's up? So I really don't have much planned today but I was bored so I thought I would film." Zach was in his car in the Target parking lot. "I think I'm going to go shopping because I have low key gained weight. Not mad about it though. I was a bit underweight before."

Zach had worked on coming to terms with the weight gain that would inevitably come along with this process.

"I have literally refused to wear jeans for like a week so I feel like I should go home and see what size I was before because if I'm being completely honest I have absolutely no idea." Zach started his car and set his phone down. Zach also checked the time. "I also have to pick Jack up at around seven and it's currently four so I kinda have to rush because LA traffic is the worst."

Zach pulled out of the parking lot and focused on the road as he drove. Luckily it was only a twenty minute drive back to his house. He pulled into his driveway and turned the car off.

"So I honestly have no idea what I'm doing." Zach paused before grabbing his camera. "Whatever let's go."

Zach got out of his car, grabbed his two things he got at Target, and unlocked the front door. He turned the lights on and walked in. He set his bag down on the couch and looked around the empty house.

"My house is currently a mess since Jack is leaving to go back on tour on Saturday. He's been packing and keeps forgetting things. So sorry if you see that." Zach walked through the house and to the bedroom. He pushed the door open and was confused at the small bag on the bed. Zach set his camera on the bedside table and grabbed the small card. He read it out loud. "To replace the one you've had since we've been together. Also don't be mad. I love you, Jack."

Zach sighed but smiled. He had a feeling what Jack was talking about. He opened the gift bag and pulled the small box out. "Jack what the hell? I'm gonna take this kids debit card away. This is insane. Sweet but insane."

Zach opened the box and pulled the small item out. "A Louis Vuitton wallet. Everyone tweet Jack to stop doing this even if this is posted quite a bit after this. I love him though."

Zach walked back to the living room and grabbed his wallet out of his backpack. He walked to the bedroom and sat on the bed. "So this is my current wallet. I've had it since I was fifteen. It's basically falling apart but um a wallet from Target would have been just fine."

Zach switched everything from his old wallet to the one Jack bought him. "Also I'm not trying to sound ungrateful but I don't like it when Jack spends his hard earned money on me. I am very grateful for him. So don't twist that. Y'all did that with the belt that he got me."

Zach set his wallet down and pulled his phone out. He called Jack. Jack answered after a few rings. "Hey baby."

"Hey Jack. Just got home." Zach leaned back and laid on the bed.

"I'm guessing you got the gift I left for you during our lunch break." Jack chuckled.

"Yeah. Thank you." Zach picked it up and looked at it.

"Do you like it? Jonah and I looked forever. I couldn't decide which one you would like better." Jack was talking fast.

"Yes I like it. It's not to flashy which I appreciate." Zach smiled and rolled his eyes. "Thank you. I'll let you get back to work. I love you."

Oh Baby! // Jachary au Where stories live. Discover now