▪️Vinte e três▪️

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Hey girlypops!!!

What the freak is up?

So this one is a bit shorter than usual but I'm having the worst writers block and I don't know what else to write. If you have any ideas let me know. 💛

I luv u and I hope you enjoy. 💛

[twenty weeks one day]

Jack was in Dublin. They were currently doing the meet and greet after the show. Jack hadn't been able to call Zach today since they were super busy. Jack checked his phone to see if Zach had texted him, before another fan walked up to them. Jack put his phone away and posed for the photo.

It kept going like that until Zach actually texted him. Jack's phone buzzed in his hand and he smiled. He hugged the fan and smiled. They posed, all of them holding up peace signs, as the girl asked.

She walked away and Jack read Zach's message. The boy had been filming all day and hadn't had time to call. Jack frowned and locked his phone.

He forced a smile and hugged the girl. She stood in between Jack and Jonah. Zack took the picture.

Jack smiled for the rest of the pictures even if he didn't want to. Don't get him wrong though. He loved their supporters with his whole heart but that didn't mean he wasn't upset. He liked meeting their fans but he also wanted to go home.

Zach was at the halfway point of his pregnancy meaning he only had about twenty more weeks to go until they met their baby.

After the meet and greet the boys all went back to their green room to chill for a bit before they went back to the hotel.

"Hey Jack you might want to see this." Jonah's voice was slightly panicky which would be concerning to anyone. Jack stood up and walked over to Jonah. It took Jack a second to realize what he was looking at.

"Oh my god." Jack's eyes widened and he zoomed into the Instagram picture. "I thought I was hiding it so well."

"It just must have been an accident. Don't panic about it. Maybe it will blow over." Jonah looked at Jack before looking back at his phone.

"I don't think so. It's Zach's ultrasound picture on my phone. People are going to be confused on why I have that as my lock screen. I hope Zach doesn't see it. I don't want him to be upset about it." Jack sighed. This shit was stressing him out. Jack's phone started ringing from where he left it on the couch. "Speaking of Zach."

"I'll be right back." Jack got his phone and went into the hallway. He answered the call. "Hey."

Zach was quiet and that's how Jack knew that Zach had already seen the pictures. Jack could hear Zach sniffle on the other end of the phone call. Jack felt his heart break knowing that it was probably his fault.


"People think you're cheating on me again or we broke up." Zach's voice made it obvious that he was crying. "I don't get why people seem to always think the worst. I don't get why people seem to think they can dig in our business and we'll be okay with it. I'm so sick and tired of this shit. And I don't know what to say because someone is still not going to believe me."

Jack's eyes were wide. He had no idea what to do about this situation. "I- I don't know what to say right now."

Zach bit his lip and closed his eyes. He leaned against the counter, resting a hand on his stomach. "Okay. I'll deal with it then."

Oh Baby! // Jachary au Where stories live. Discover now