Chapter One: First Day

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I'd got the job, I had got the freaking job!

I spun round on my bar stool and reached over to the bottle of champagne I then leant over the counter of the granite work top and fumbled around to try and find a glass as most of them were slumped on the side, dirty or, actually in the dishwasher which I'd mustered up the courage to half load. Of course I hadn't put it on and it wouldn't go on until I was down to the last cereal bowl. I called my parents in Cornwall to tell them the good news. Then the celebrating with my friends in London began.

I started my job on Monday, I was going to be Infiniti Red Bull Racing Driver, Daniel Ricciardo's PR.

-two days later on the train from London to Milton Keynes-

"Excuse me, sorry you...uh, left your phone on the coffee counter." It was a guy in a Red Bull polo top staring down at me.

"I am such an idiot." I mumbled a reply. Although a part of me urged to talk to him more, he could be a future work colleague.

He handed my phone back to me, lingering just for that fraction of a second more as he did so.

"Sam." he said and extended a hand, his blue eyes engaging and friendly.

"Saskia," I replied, smiling. "Don't mind me asking, are you on the way to The Factory?"

The Factory was the home of Infiniti Red Bull Racing in Milton Keynes, subsequently it was where I was going.

"Sure is." He laughed, breaking out into a smile.

He was tallish, had brown hair which was cut quite short but you could still see that it was curly. Strikingly handsome at a first glance to say the least.

I nodded in reply.

"Are you?" he continued.

"Yes, first day." I shifted about on the balls of my feet. I suddenly felt nervous.

"New position?" he questioned. He gestured for me to take the seat opposite him.

"Yes, it is indeed." I sat down with my hands cupping my latte which was still too hot to drink.

"Management or something?"

"Yes, that's the one." How could he tell?

Then it clicked, "you're Dan's new PR, aren't you?"

"That's me!" I chuckled, taking a sip of the sweet liquid. It was still scolding and burnt my tongue.

"Hot?" Sam proceeded to roll his eyes at me. "I'm part of the pit crew, same side of the garage."

"Oh, wow."

It's a shame I wasn't the greatest at science. I would have loved to make it on the the travelling pit team.

"What's your role?" I questioned, I was inquisitive to say the least.

"Rear left tyre, well taking it off and cleaning the parts," he said proudly.

"I'll be seeing you around more often then." I winked. I instantly warmed to him in the few minutes of conversation we had and I could see myself getting on well with him.

We continued chatting for the remaining half hour, talking about Red Bull, the plus points and the downside to rarely spending time in one place. I got the ins and the outs of who to watch out for and, who would stick by you...not to mention the gossip!

Sam told me what Rebecca (the girl who held my to be position) was like and how her and Daniel got on really well. I had big boots to fill.

Sam informed me that he lived in Milton Keynes and that he was visiting his sister for the weekend. He also told me about the developments for the season's car and how testing had taken place in Bahrain a week or so prior and how they'd be going out there in two weeks time again, that meant Bahrain would be my first trip abroad with Red Bull and I was looking forward to wearing my shorts and escaping the harsh reality or the British weather.

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