7-Other day

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Sir Seungmin's puppy like teeth smile appeared to be as bright as I'd ever seen it to be. He was a little relieved about the character selections.

To execute the task was the easier part now.

At least it seemed so.

"Eunha and Minho, I want you two to stay back after school for the rehearsals", Sir Seumgmin ordered us while smiling.

"Yes sir!" both Minho and I synchronized.

'*jinx*' , I whispered trying hard not to be obvious.

Minho exhaled, restlessly as if a big mission was to be accomplished as I snickered lightly, playing confident even though I wasn't.

That college day wasn't that bad. I mean I scored well on my Math test but Minji always excelled and I was happy for her.

'I'll tell you some other day'

I got a flashback of what Minji said the other day.

The fact that she felt agonized the day Hyunjin stood up for me, I couldn't right understand what was up with her.

When lunch break approached, I searched for Minji and found her sitting alone in the cafeteria staring at the gap.

Moving my gaze towards where Minji's eyes were locked, I watched Hyunjin arm wrestling with Jeongin.

A small crowd surrounded their pack and yes, Hyunjin won the arm wrestling challenge.

Oh God, his charm never seizes to amaze me.

He's so strong, is there something he's not good at?

Sports, academics, visuals. You just name it!

I decided going to Minji you know, to have some girlfriend talk, I wanted to play my part as a good friend.

I hugged her subconciously and she snapped out of her fantasy world, appearing startled.

"Bro, I have to talk to you" I gathered her attention while looking straight into her eyes.

"Oh yeah, what's up?" She smiled, cloaking herself of course of what she was hiding.

"Well you said you had to tell me something about yourself and I guess it involved Hyunjin somehow...", I completed my statement carefully until she cut me off.

"Oh...I remember, can we walk in the football ground?" she gave me a sad smile which held secrets to be unveiled.
I just nodded while pursing my lips.

We walked to an empty football ground which smelt like newly cut grass, with two isolated goal nets at opposite ends.

The air was pleasant as Autumn was almost over and Winter was to commence.

"So basically Eunha...", Minji took a deep breath as I paid eager attention towards her.

"Go ahead, I'm all ears", I assured her.

"It's about me and Hyunjin... I mean we've been best friends since elementary school..." she continued as I squinted, focusing.

I felt my heart beat faster but I gathered the courage to say what I feared to.

"And you like him...", I added to the uncomfortable silence.

She frowned as a trail of tears fell across her bright plump cheeks.

"HEY HEY! no, dont cry. Stop please or else I'll start crying,"

I added a little humour to my words to cheer her up but she refused to stop .

It was as if she had forced her tears in for years and years.

I hugged my best friend tightly and then wiped her tears with a napkin.

"I dont understand .. I've loved him for such a long time but he never asked me out. My feelings never faded. Looking at him breaks me internally, every SINGLE day. Am I yearning for his love ? "

I bit my lip to hide my expressions, determined that I had to step back for her. Now I have to let her free from the 14 year struggle, even if it costs me my own deliberate feelings.

Besides, I had been in this college for a comparatively lesser time than her.

I had to admit it .

I had this iota of something for Hyunjin because, I don't know... he's really sweet and considerate, something about him made my heart flutter.

Once upon a time, it did.

"You don't have to worry. Minji, let me tell you something my grandma used to tell me," I cleared my throat .

"If you love someone, tell them. You might just get lucky," I winked at her while putting a thumbs up.

She sniffed multiple times until her swollen face got back to normal.

"Thanks for listening to me Eunha. You're honestly the best," she whimpered with effort while thanking me.

"Don't worry. Everything's gonna be alright," I comforted her earnestly as the bell ring called us back to our classrooms.

A/n:Long chapter :) I wish guys in my school were this aesthetic. I'd never come back home xD *points at media in this chapter* 

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