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Eunha's POV

"I'm... dead. I mean urmm- I'm good," I stuttered.

"Oh you can't possibly be dead by now," he laughed as his eyes shaped into a little divine crescents.

We were walking in the limited amount of space we had. Although it was a random conversation, I felt alive once again with him by my side.

"So how'd you get to Seoul? I mean it was my fortune but how?,"

I blushed a little because his words were so calming. He was already my favourite person.

"Well my parents were in LA and Korea is my home country so I preferred coming here. Also I needed a break from stuff...,"

He paid attention to every single word I had to say and topped it all up with a cute smile.

"Uh huh...so , I've always wanted to tell you something," he spoke after a short silence prevailed.

Minho straightened his back to sit upright.

"Yeah go ahead,"

My hands were freezing with the cold of November.

"You have a really attractive voice, one of the best I've ever heard," he said it so innocently that my heart melted.

"Thank you so much and I feel like I really like everything about you and I have no idea what I said right now, ok bye."

I cursed myself for not being able to control my tongue.

As soon as I said that, Minho's face lightened ever more.

"Wow. And I thought it was a one-sided tale,"

I could see his hands reach out of his pockets to find mine.

He gently clasped his fingers, intertwining them and making the bond unbreakable.

"I'm so sorry Eunha, I couldn't tell you earlier. I never knew you'd ever foster such feelings for a guy like me," he looked straight into my eyes this time.

"What, no... Please don't be sorry. In fact I'd thank you for not abandoning me after you've witnessed the truth,"

I said it to console him so that he wouldn't feel bad.

"I'd. never. abandon. you. Not after I've found you," he said it seriously but passionately.

"You cutie,"I pulled at his soft cheek and realised it was too much for the beginning .

I tugged my hair behind my ears , clearly nervous and he gave a tiny laugh after it. Maybe he found it cute somehow, my nervousness.

"Hmm... so what do you like most about Seoul?,"

Minho was gradually grabbing my interests and I was slowly liking him even more and more.

"Well, I love the Korea department and the Tteokboki restaurants and the Chicken restaurants and above all...,"

"wow you talk a lot. I thought you were quiet and shy," Minho said it so cheerfully as I got cautious.

"And I love it," he added


"Hahaha don't call me oppa... I know I'm a year older but I like it informal. Call me Lee Know," he winked and did a thumbs up.

"Oh, I love that name. Ok so I'll call you Lee Know from now on,"

"Only you can call me Lee Know. I want it to be special,"

He made a finger heart and then the silence grew stronger with my heart getting tender.

"Ahan. You were saying something after 'above all',"

I snapped out.

"Oh yeah. And above all, I really love the level of humanity in most individuals. Everyone's so nice, like you are," I pouted as I saw him staring at me closely nodding his head.

He put an arm around me and side hugged me.

"You're so adorable,"

I felt like a complete being.

His hands still in mine. Everything was so perfect.

I was screaming inside because I had never felt so close to someone, spiritually as well.

My peace had been recovered. I found my happy place, my best friend and maybe the soon to be love of my life, in this guy named Lee Minho.

A/n:imma die if he ever look at me like that tbhxD What do u guys think abt this chap? vote and comment <3

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