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Minji's POV

I need to talk to Hyunjin about this soon.

I scurried through the hallways of our college in search of Hyunjin.

I found him chatting with Felix and Minho in the cafeteria, looking adorable as hell with a navy blue sweat shirt.

"Hi guys," I stood awkwardly rolling my eyes sideways.

"Hey... Minji, have a seat," Hyunjin offered me with his shiny irresistable smile.

Even Minho and Felix were pretty welcoming. They asked me to join their company but I had to deny because I had other plans.

"Hyunjin, can I talk to you for a moment?," I asked Hyunjin, my eyes wide open trying hard not to be obvious that it was an emergency.

Hyunjin gradually tilted his head towards me while chewing on his red cheetos. He got up and as soon as he was up, I dragged his ass away dropping his cheetos. Poor baby.

Hyunjin was obviously shocked and why wouldn't he be? I forced him without asking for his innocent consent. Very poor.

"Umm... is everything cool?," Hyunjin asked obliviously.

"Well it's Eunha . Basically she really likes Minho and it's driving her nuts. Secondly, she's too shy to confess. What do I do?," I exhaled as I finished.

"Hmm... Eunha likes Minho, eh? You know what that means?,"


"That means you should stop worrying cause I have everything undercover," Hyunjin winked as he patted my head.

Each gesture of his was so heart warming hence I could not stop myself from loving him.

"OKAY, since I trust you, but how?,"

"I'm gonna talk to Minho about it. I'm certain he likes Eunha back," Hyunjin smirked playfully.

"So, go talk to him and I've already talked to Eunha about it so...," I quickly spoke until he suddenly put his finger on my lips seizing my speech.


I got hypnotized by his expression as he was always so aesthetically pleasing. A rush of emotions surrounded me and I didn't realise when but I reached out for his neck pulling him closer and kissed him. slowly...

Little did I know that he kissed me back.

I wished the world to stop, the time to freeze and the odds to be in our favour.

After separating our lips from eachother, I felt the sudden guilt and uproar rise inside my head.

"I'm sorry,"

I apologised as I ran back while Hyunjin stood there stagnant, but smiling ever so beautifully.

What had I gotten myself into?    

A/n: Hyunjin is the sweetest bean on this planet! fite meh. vote and comment

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