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Romeo and Juliet graced the stage with their presence and started dancing flawlessly.

Each step seemed well prepared and on point.

The two kids looked beautiful dancing together.

They danced and danced until Juliet almost tripped on her own dress but was found held in Romeo's protective arms to save the momentum.

The dramatic ending too had it's own beauty.

A round of applause was offered by the generous viewers.

Eunha's POV

Flustered with the whole dance thing , I was 'almost' proud of myself since the play was yet to continue.

"GO GIRL!!! You rock!,"

I saw Minji and Raeha cheering for me.

The play continued perfectly as the last scene approached.

Final scene: Juliet claims to kill herself

"Romeo, if I don't get to marry you... I will kill myself," I demanded from the balcony.

"Don't you dare do that . Me without you is meaningless...I will come soon, just wait for me," Romeo leaves after proclaiming his words, off astride on his horse.

Damn. His lines were so heart throbbing, I couldn't help myself from getting distracted.

Juliet kept waiting all day for Romeo in her room until there was a suspicious knock on her door.

"Who is it?," I asked.

"Juliet, I need you to drink this nutritious milk that I got made for you ," Father's voice was hoarse.

(btw my father was this guy named Kim Tan)

I creaked the door open and father entered with a glass of milk.

Without hesitation, I chugged it all up and within a few moments, fell on my bed. I was in a deep deep sleep.

Romeo reaches the venue at sunset and with his sword, he fought all those who meddled with his ways. Many of those who claimed that they had killed Juliet.

"Juliet! I'm here," Romeo started calling out in haphazard.

The scene itself was quite depressing, my heart would sink.

There was no response .

Romeo broke down the wooden door and encountered Juliet lying straight on her bed.

He fell to his knees, devastated, accepting the fact that Juliet was killed and now... he found no reason to persist.

He picked up a tagged bottle of poison and put it against his mouth, slowly falling onto the course ground with an evergreen smile on his face.

Romeo died in the same frame.

After a while I (Juliet) woke up and saw Romeo lying on the floor. I was so soaked up in the role, I started feeling like something had happened to Minho.

A line of tears left my eyes as I screamed for mercy.

I had no other reason to live...

Juliet seals the moment with a virtual kiss on his lips and dies beside him.

The couple were not destined to be.

The air was all gloomy... A thunderous series of claps and hooting along with the standing ovations from the head teachers, marked the end of the play.

The curtains dropped as we raised ourselves, sitting straight and Minho notices me with literal tears in my eyes.

"Hey? What's wrong? You were so good back there...," Minho asks as his hair got a little messed up.

"I'm sorry, I have to go," I tried to escape mid between my cracking sobs.

Minho held me by my wrist tightly but today, I didn't want to talk. I was struggling with myself.

I used up all my power to release myself.

"But Eunha, wait...,"Minho was still walking towards me to ask what came over me but I refused to stop.

I got home and locked myself in my room.

I was really sad, I didn't know why but I felt incomplete and that was rare.

'Why did the tears fall? Did I actually think that Romeo died?'

I was beginning to foster these feelings which were still enclosed deep within my heart and if they didn't reveal themselves soon, I'd explode.

I realized something.

I had started liking Minho.

I was missing him already after realizing that we won't have such fruitful interactions anymore...

I don't know if it was his flawless face or his voice or his gentle behavior towards me but whatever it was ... It made me fall.

Pretty. damn. hard.

A/n: I really loved writing this one out cuz when u put emotion to what ur writing, it brings the life to it...<3 what dya think? vote and comment plzz <3

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love u guys bye:*

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