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I noticed Felix and Hyunjin race out of class while Minji and Raeha remained seated.

RaeHa flipped her hair as she came to sit with me and Minji.

"How obnoxious,"she said pointing her pink painted finger nails at a haggard Woojin who was exiting the class.

"I know right?," Minji added.

My mind was still recovering from the fact that what just happened . I couldn't ask Minho because he might think I'm a creep or something.

The college day went by and then arrived the time for the play rehearsals.

Scene: Romeo and Juliet meet at a ball and dance together.

I fixed my eyes on the script to keep track of my dialogues.

"So Minho, you have to exhibit flexibility while dancing with Juliet. The audience shouldn't get the idea that your'e uncomfortable" Sir Seungmin briefed Minho making him nod and blink multiple times.

'Why would he feel uncomfortable ? does he think I'm gonna harass him?' I thought to myself, making my lips into a pout.

"Okay sir! I'll try my best," he said it confidently as he paced towards me.

'Its just a play...don't freak out Eunha,' I almost cursed myself.

I felt my heart beating faster. Normally, you don't even feel it, right?

I placed my left hand on Minho's right shoulder and he held me by my waist, pulling me closer. We started dancing precisely.

He was so good! his brief and neat movements and his control over the dance floor. I was lost in an unknown world with only me and Minho dancing to some classic music.

It was all beautiful.

His eyes, They never failed to intrigue my conscience.

The beauty was without doubt incomparable.

In the spin of the moment, I totally forgot that we were actually acting.

"Bravo! Bravo!," sir Seungmin stood up from his chair, ecstatic due to our dance skills and chemistry.

I moved away from Minho and started looking at the ground.

I saw the corner of his lips turn into a smirk. That was a tough thing to resist.

Honestly, it was hot.

"You've got great moves Minho. I'm spellbound," I said shyly while unintentionally appreciating him with sets of words that seemed too formal.

"Aaah... it's nothing, I'm not that good," Minho gave a loud chuckle which was music to my ears.

I had seen him laugh loudly for the first time and that made me melt as I bit my lips.

I was satisfied that he smiled after the strenuous day and I don't know why but I enjoyed doing the play script with him.

Days passed by and we nearly practised every single day and I had no idea about him but I started feeling close to him regardless of the fact that we didn't interact much.

The day of the grand function had arrived as I wore a long beige gown with a tight corset underneath which was hardly conducive to my breathing.

My black hair was loosely curled and fell neatly over my fine shoulders.

All in all, I looked appealing as Seohyun got me ready for the play.

I entered the school with Seohyun who spotted Chan with his sister, Hannah.

"Hi Seohyun and...Eunha?," Chan welcomed us with a bright teeth smile.

"Hi Chan, it's nice to meet you . Seohyun always talks ... OUCH,"Seohyun pinched at my arm cutting me off from revealing her secrets about blabbering about how Chan was such a distracting guy to her.

"She's just a little nervous about the play you know," her eyes turned into crescents as she left me so that she could go with Chan.

Hannah was also a university student and she claimed that she was waiting for this guy named Juyeon who was doing his masters because he wanted to join the FBI.

Wow, such dreams . Am I the only one unsorted here?

I almost tripped as I went into the lavishly decorated auditorium.

"Damn girl! you look so pretty," Minji appeared from nowhere and bucked me up.

"Wow Eunha... Is that you?" Hyunjin looked at me astounded.

"Oh stahp it," I tried to absorb my character.

I was flaunting until I heard distinct footsteps which sounded like boots you'd wear with suits.

I turned my gaze around towards the entrance doors and fell into this worldly paradise...

Minho and his fortunate brother, Juyeon had made their dazzling entry.

A/n:I may be wrong and this is opinionated but Theboyz Juyeon looks a lot like Minho XD 

i love them both, really talented bois <3

OMFG MINHHO'S VOICE! 1HDHF1VD0V0 IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL. His part in Haven just sent me to my haven T-T

 His part in Haven just sent me to my haven T-T

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