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Okay so i appreciate all those who posted some qs for me to answer, though the number was small but it's okay❤ i think my story was clear enough for any queries 😉😂


How are they on the same class when he is a year older. Did she skip a grade?

Well, thanks for the qs. I studied in LA before I came to Seoul and i dont know how but my entrance test was amazing so the administrations made me skip a grade.

Don't you get sneezy with all the cat hair?

I do. But the things i do for love, i got treated for my allergies before getting married to minho. Whether i get parted from him or not, he'd never get parted from his cats so i had to do something xD


A U T H O R  N I M  S A M

How long did it take to make this?

It took about four months😂😂 ik it's a bit slow because i had exams. I typed the whole fiction then uploaded it altogether ;)

Why are you such an amazing writer?

Omg no don't say that🙈🙈my writing style was shit when i wrote this but i fixed it a month ago like in april 2020 😂 thanks for the support though, you are one of the reasons for my motivation.

How did you come up these AMAZING ideas?

Honestly, i was inspired by my own life to some extent. everyone gets inspired by things ❤ based on a true story, like i said before :)) plus this acc involves 5 more authors who have symbols on their fictions for identification that who wrote what. I have a ❤ on my fictions. We all make up stories ourselves mostly but this one was based on a true story, obv not about minho xD.

Dont you think so Woojin should be killed in the story?

the second gunshot that sounded in the terminal chapters was actually Woojin being shot . So yeah. He died...

How are you still alive after writing this book? A fellow writer needs help cuz she can't even finish one book ;-; (aka me)

😂😂i had everything planned in my head then hand wrote it, then typed it. I'm crazy ik xD I'm never gonna do that again cuz it's time consuming. Just focus on one book before it's complete ;))

Can you change nayeon to yuqi cuz i stan luqi?
Suree, i stan luqi too ❤ it's just that i didn't know about that ship till then

How does it feel to be the first one to publish a book from this account? Author nim Sam the founder of IGOTARMY-STAY.
Hahah Irdk how to feel about that xD but yeah I'm glad i posted a book i really willingly wrote!❤


Where was your cats the whole story?

I hid them because eunha had a cat fur allergy...even when eunha came to my place when she got cupcakes, i didn't bring the cats out...cause then things would get a lil messy


Hows your husband BamBam-

His legs grew too tall to the point that they broke and we got separated due to personal reasons. now I'm a widow who is apparently dating jungkook but he is busy going on dates to itaewon without me. And is currently under allegations. Idek why ppl are blaming me when i wasnt even involved...😂 #prayformyboyfriend

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