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Seohyun came back from her university trip and it was a weekend, that finally arrived.

She told me all about how the trip was and that she slept without a blanket but Chan oppa spread out one for her. He's so caring.

Seohyun would ask me about school and I'd unconsciously start talking about Lee Know, the handsome guy who dances well.

Though little did she know that we were already dating.

I feel like one shouldn't declare a relationship in it's early years as it brings bad luck. I know I'm weird and superstitious but that's what happened to me and my boyfriend, Lucas.

4 years ago, HE asked me out and I was excited cause it was my first time dating so I said yes. We never really seemed to get along. I thought I genuinely started liking him until he cheated on me with a girl named Mina.

The day I caught them, horribly making out in a classroom, I promised to myself that I won't love someone ever again...

That was a traumatizing experience for me.

More than an experience, it was a life lesson. A life lesson that lead me to where I am today.

After completion of my assignments, I rested on my bed thinking about what more to do.

I ironed my dress for tomorrow, the dishes were done.

"Boom!!!," there was a loud sound of the clouds colliding against eachother. It actually sounded like a bomb blast.

The lights went out.

I sprang out of my bed and darted towards the corridor.

Moving further away from my room served as a never ending pitch black maze. The air was scaring me and I couldn't catch my breath. 'Almost there,' I comforted myself.

Suddenly, I bumped into someone and I thought it was Seohyun but the figure seemed much taller. I stood in my position like a rock. My legs frozen, throttled by the fear of my demise.

"Hi," the torch light turned on to illuminate the unknown face.

"I was so scared, you freaked the hell out of me!," I hit his arm lightly.

"hahaha I'm so sorry Eunha, I didn't mean to scare you," he said apologetically.

"Wait... what are you doing here?," I asked after rehabilitating myself.

He moved out of the way so that Seohyun could come.

"Eunha, the lights tripped. By the way, Minho came to drop by some rice cakes his mom made. Such a sweet boy,"

Lee Know smiled in the little light that the torch produced.

The lights turned back on.

Lee Know fixed his eyes on me and raised both his eyebrows, noticing what I was wearing.

I was in my unicorn pajamas.

Dang it.

I started getting concious about my surroundings.

"Cute," he whispered in a low voice and shyly smiled.

"Sorry?," Seohyun mumbled.

"Umm... Cute house!," he abruptly jolted.

"Oh, I know right? Eunha is good at organizing and arranging stuff in the house, she's a pro,"

"I swear she is...," he said staring at Seohyun, totally thrown in oblivion.

Seohyun stared back at him until I barged in.

"You better get going, it's late. Thankyou for the rice cakes,"

I put my hands on his shoulders and lead him to the door.

There was a sound of the door slammed behind me after which I came back to Seohyun, looking awkwardly confused.

She judged me for a moment but then we split gazes.

I went back to my room to lie down.

There was a knock on my door followed by the curious Seohyun entering the room.

"May I come in?," she asked in a polite manner.

"Yeah sure, come in," I sat upright fixing the sheets.

I made space for Unni to sit with me.

"I guess you're adjusting pretty well here," she smiled

"Thank God I am. Why'd you ask?," I asked

"You've made good friends. By the way, what do you think about Minho?,"

"Minho? Well he's a great guy... kind and funny as well,"

"I'm glad. I think he's one of the rare good guys in college, no?,"

"Even Hyunjin is nice but Minho is different in his own way. I don't know, there's a connection .We click,"

"I know right! I like him too... I mean he's very respectful,"

*reminded of the times he was disrespectful xD tbt the hotel*

"Exactly! You know when he was in the play with me, he looked into my eyes just once. Doesn't that give you an idea that he's shy and stuff?,"

"Aww.. that's cute," Seohyun was lying on the bed with me now.

We kept talking and talking about Minho that night and I didn't realise when the clock struck 02:00 a.m.

"I guess I'll just sleep in your room today, goodnight," Seohyun turned her back towards me.

"It's just that he had a dark past. I was so agonized when he told me that his dad was a rapist, but it didn't matter to me at all," I said fearlessly.

Seohyun turned back to me, shocked by what she had heard.

"His father was a rapist...?," her voice cracked.

"Yeah... poor guy, but it doesn't matter right?," I was concerned now.

"I'm so sorry Eunha, but right now I just made an excuse to sleep. Instead I was gonna plan how I'll get you guys together by convincing mom and dad... but now...,"

I was horrified. I looked at Seohyun in despair.

"Now it sounds impossible after you've told me that his dad has a bad past and you know how judgemental our parents are... They'd never agree," she added making my heart sink.

I was devastated, I had to tell her the truth.

"You know, we're dating...," A trail of tears smeared across my nose. I tried hard to stabilize myself.

"Omo! You never told me. I never knew that things had went so far. I was thinking of getting you guys together on a broader level,"

She added to my misery. I felt hopeless about being with Minho because of our parents... especially my parents who'd never agree.

Seohyun looked at me crying and hugged me tightly. I buried my face in her neck.

"My sister is in love. What's better than that?," she was brighter now.

"But you said our parents won't agree," I sobbed on her neck.

"Dont worry, I'll make it work. Eunha... I'm wet," she said as I removed my face from her neck and saw that my tears had soaked her.

I laughed at her expression but then wept , talking about how much I loved Lee Know and that it's like the feeling you get when you haven't even met someone but feel like you belong to them already.

Something about Lee Know and me, made me hope.

Hope for a better future that awaited for us.    

A/n: LONG CHAPTER. TYSM for bearing w me guys TT-TT

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