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Eunha's POV

I escorted myself to my room with all the shopping bags and realized that I forgot my phone at home before going to the mall.

As I clasped onto it, I was welcomed by a series of messages.

You have 105 notifications and 70 new messages from 30 chats

I wasn't used to that sort of attention but everyone knows what I did next. I just read the messages without viewing them in my messenger but rather from the notifications.

I felt a little cruel doing that but satan helped me overlook that guilt.

The next day I entered class, there were numerous cheers maybe because everyone thought I acted well and did an outstanding job with the play.

I was restoring myself with the sudden cheers until Minji came over me and slapped me on my arm.

"Ouch. That hurt," I held my arm lightly to where she hit.

She looked a little disappointed.

"Why did you leave so early, you bitch? Couldn't you say goodbye?,"

"Yeah, I can explain." I tried to convince her but felt really lethargic doing so because of my emotional crisis related to Minho.

"I don't want explanations, how dare you... wait. I'm sorry?," Her annoyance washed away immediately after registering my expressions.

She saw me slightly unaffected by her passive aggressive behavior which was an indication that something didn't feel right.

"Me? Yeah I'm perfectly fine, just... things...I don't know Minji. Please, I need a counselling session. Can we go outside some place quiet?,"

I made the puppy dog face and she agreed on going outside.

We got to our perfectly leveled football ground which had benches at the back.

We sat quietly onto the rock hard benches and started to converse.

A/n: Tbh i like minho for who he is , even tho ppl call him a mean-hoe and all that xD but the best part is that hes honest and true to everyone . i love that sweetie and honestly hes a gem of a person, look at him at fansigns. plus the fact that hes so close to jisung just adds to it that he knows what friendship is <3  i know u know we all love lee know <3

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