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His enthralling behaviour had melted me. Was I dreaming? Are prince's real? Does true love exist?

The answer was yes.

I spread out my arms to lock his existance into mine.

I cried a lot. Like A lot. In his arms I felt somewhat, safe.

Now I had a huge burden lifted from my back so it was harmonious and peaceful.
I felt at ease.

He tightened his grip on me and brushed his hand through my hair, stroking it gently.

"It's ok baby girl. I'm here now,"

He said while his chin rested on the top of my head and my face buried in his chest that smelt like a strong cologne.

I sniffed as he removed my head from his chest upright facing towards him. He moved his lips towards my forehead, caressing my hair securely and kissed it.

My eyes were closed and I opened them slowly to see him, still smiling.

He was so perfect.

I was so disillusioned by the world's cruelty, I thought it would be a difficult task to ever trust someone again but Lee Know just turned the tables.

"Thankyou. For existing. Saranghae," I sheepishly smiled at him.

"Aww...my sweet heart. Don't worry about that again alright? You're the first girl I've met who has by all means, completed me. You blow my mind away every time we see eachother. I can't let go of a precious girl like you so easily, can I?,"

his eyes were gleaming with love and sincerity as they captivated my gaze in one go, every single time.

"Ehem...," there was a grunt and I turned to see who it was.


Lee Know faced downwards as he saw Seohyun but remained still beside me. I looked at his grimace hastily, partly embarassed about being out so late.

"What...are you doing?," she seemed annoyed while she rubbed her eyes.

"Umm... I just came here to talk to Eunha about something, I'll get going...," Lee Know covered up for me as I had zipped my lips.

"I'm sorry but how... did you wake up?," I enquired lightly.

"Well you left the door open for a cat to rush in and break the crockery we had," she spat scornfully.

"Oops...," I was embarrased so I started scratching my scalp to avoid her.

Lee Know left in a moment's time and looked back at me, making a phone call hand indicating, 'Call me'

That rose a hint of glee to my face as I walked towards my house.

I dodged Seohyun and raced towards my room. I turned the Wi-Fi on to check for any new messages. I was almost going to doze off until I received a message.

ROMEO: i hope everythn went smooth

I sat straight and started typing...

JULIET: yEAH. i dodged her. Omo. Did you reach safely?


I waited for a moment thinking about how to respond.

JULIET: Ahan... and ?

ROMEO: well , there's a party tmw.

JULIET: you mean today.

ROMEO: Ya today... xD so ur my date for it. Be ready by 7 , I'll get ya ;)

JULIET: got it :*

ROMEO: u sleepy?

JULIET: Not at all. wby?

ROMEO: Not really...

JULIET : hmmm why ;)

ROMEO: What? xD

JULIET: i didn't say anything xD

ROMEO: ik u meant smth, come on tell me what clicked ur mind

JULIET: Don't judge, ok?

ROMEO: have i ever? even after I noticed ur diff colored garments, I didn't say a word xD lol

JULIET: shut upp... Im blushing. now im embarassed :(

ROMEO: purple and black , to be specific ;)

JULIET: r we really doing this ? xD

ROMEO: yes we're dirty texting. almost xD

JULIET: Dont u dare make fun of my cuteness or else I'll seduce u . like ive always wanted to*hides*

ROMEO: ive always wanted to untie ur hair from that old fashioned hair clip of urs so that ur enchantingly beautiful hair falls freely over ur bare amazonian figure...

JULIET:*DED* but my old fashioned clip?why ???:'((

ROMEO: Im kidding :* except the clip part

JULIET: haha v funny. so what else have u wanted to do *_*

ROMEO: youll find out soon, i have to sleep now cuz my mom wakes me up a lil early in the morning:)

JULIET: Oh... alright:/

ROMEO: HEY, r u sure? will u be able to sleep.

JULIET: Yeah... ig so.

ROMEO: okok im not going until u sleep.

JULIET: YAY!! this is why I love u <3

ROMEO: anything for u . so where were we? *inserts smirk emoji*

JULIET: HAHAHHAH i was on top of ur ****

ROMEO: OH shit . i can just imagine that rn .



ROMEO: yk Eunha, IVE NEVER felt this comforttable w anyone before... ur the first girl to have ignited my emotions and now i cant imagine a universe w/o u. we will get through thiss. u will get treated well cuz u deserve it. just know that ur minho is gonna be w u through thick and thin :*

Juliet seenzoned

Minho's POV

I guess she slept:)

that too with her hand on the keypad.

ROMEO: Have sweet dreams jagia <3 but not about me... cuz I'm not a dream of yours anymore <3

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