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"So, what's up? did you have breakfast today? You look kinda pale," Minji was calm now.

"I had breakfast, it's just that... First tell me how it feels when you like someone? I mean I don't remember how it felt when I had a boyfriend a few years go," I said it all in one breath.

"I think I get it . You basically like someone," Minji inched towards me stating the obvious, narrowing her eyes, a clear signal for 'blurt the truth'.

I buried my head onto my knees feeling embarassed.

"I don't know," I felt hopeless as my face turned bright pink once again.

"Bro, come on speak up. I'm always there for you, just give me a try. I promise I won't judge you,"

Now Minji put the effort to comfort me thus I could feel it.

"Okay. Any guesses?"

I left Minji to guess as her lips transformed into a frown.

"Is it Hyunjinnie?," Minji was about to have a mental break down but before that could happen, I had to give her answers .

"No way! How could you think I'd crush on someone, YOU love? Common sense bro," My words seemed impactful as her smile revived.

"Oh well, is it Woojin?,"




"Then who's left out of all the single guys?,"

"I'm not sure, you tell." I judged her hard this time as I hid in my hoodie

Minji was looking at the football ground cluelessly until she arose spectacularly.

"MINHO?!," she said this one out loud even though I clogged my ears not to listen.

"Yes. Apparently," I told her as I crouched underneath the bench.

"Why don't you tell him? You might just get lucky, remember?," she smiled at me .

"I just don't think I'm worth it...," I said as I felt shy all over again, resisting the urge to cry.

"Shut the fvck up! It's not that you're not worth it. He on the other hand is clearly not worth it," she said bucking me up.

"NOOO...! He's perfect and I aspire to reach that level but I'm not damn worth it,"

"Okay okay, calm down. I still don't agree with you son but I'll just call it off," she sounded like my mom at that moment .

"Thanks bro,"

"Don't mention it , I'd run errands for you if you'd say so," she chuckled as we walked back to class.

Minji's POV

I have to talk to Hyunjin about this. Only he can help me out with this situation.

This stupid girl fell for Minho without letting me a hint about it .

And now she's too shy to confess.

I'll do something, after all she's my best friend.    

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