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I shed a few tears until I heard the main door open.

Maybe it was Seohyun, maybe it was not. A brief shiver ran across my spine giving me goosebumps.

"Boo!," Seohyun scared the shit out of me.

"What the hell Unni!?," I barked

"First answer me why you left so early without waiting for your humble sister?," Seohyun looked determined on helping me out.

"I'm tired please go away Unni?," I lied.

I turned away from Seohyun and tried to force my tears back in.

I had this habit of crying once I was given sympathy which is why I always tried to restrain from doing so.

"you okay?,"

She touched the top of my forehead to check if I had a fever or something.

Had she ever known that the illness was within my heart, and not my physical self.

"No...I don't know what's wrong with me, I just wanna cry," I laughed having said that, tears brimming the corners of my eyes.

"Oh my poor baby, I know what you're going through,"Seohyun said, leading an awkward silence as she hugged me.

"Wait. You do?," I cleared my throat after saying so.

"Yeah, I always do. You're just too happy because you're proud of yourself for aceing Juliet's role,"

My heart skipped a beat as I thought she had deciphered what I was thinking about but surprisingly, she didn't.

Seohyun turned at me one more time.

"Let's go shopping," and then I started getting ready to shift the glum mood into something more breathable.

Seohyun's POV

I knew it!

I just freaking knew that she fell for Minho but I can't tell her yet because I really want her to admit it herself some day.

I'm so happy for my sister.

She has found love in her life and now I shall make the universe conspire with me in bringing them together.


Eunha's POV

Seohyun started the car and I waited a little until she drove the car somewhere suitable from where I can get in.

It was a good way to distract myself and I owed my sister for being a rehab for me.    

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