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"Eunha? are you okay?,"

I gradually opened my eyes to this hospital with Seohyun and many others beside me.

"Where... am I?," I struggled with my words slowly moving my neck to examine the surroundings.

I had a CRO beside my stretcher which monitored my pulse. The white lights on the ceiling were too bright to let me fully open my eyes.

"You're at Seoul International Hospital, you collapsed at home. Thank Minho who called me at the right time or else..." Seohyun shakes off her fear cautiously.

"Wait... Lee Know? How'd he...,"

Lee Know pushed open the door like an animal that manages to escape the zoo cages. He came right at me and hugged me while I was lying on the stretcher.

"I knew something was wrong with my girl's mood," he was almost crying as he let the words escape.

"I'm fine Lee Know...," I assured him while he held my hand and kissed it.

"I thought I'd lose you... Are you feeling better now?," he asked me very thoughtfully while sniffling.

"I will never leave you, okay?" I cupped the side of his jaw with my right hand.

Lee Know made me feel better. Every time I'd see him, it would be a divine treat for me, as if I've forgotten my worries for a while.

Isn't that what true love is? When you feel immensely comfortable around someone and have to mention the telepathy.

I was astonished by the fact that he knew something was up with me therefore he called Seohyun for it. To check on me.

I'm truely touched because he is my life saviour. I looked into his eyes, still in love.

"Ahm...," Seohyun started whistling to exhibit the fact that the room wasn't yet private.

Lee Know snickered lightly because I was getting blushy with the shyness.

The door opens as the doctor enters.

"Who is with Miss Eunha?,"

"Doctor, it's me." Seohyun raised her hand and moved out of the room, leaving me and Minho behind.

Minho was getting all tired from the whole intense day filled with apprehension. Poor guy had to suffer because of me. He was constantly dozing off so I woke him up and asked him to lay on the bed with me.

He looked so fluffy when he was almost sleeping, it was irresistable to keep my eyes off him.

While he was asleep, he kept an arm across my stomach unconciously and I didn't remove it because I didn't want to ruin the baby's sleep.

Seohyun entered the room, ignoring the fact that Lee Know was sleeping with me.

She looked really upset.

"Eunha, you have to be patient while I tell you this," SeoHyun was sweating, even at 16o C.

"Go ahead. What did the doctor say?," I was alert this time and the more time she was taking to break the truth, the more I was disintegrating.

"You have Endometriosis, "

I felt my knees weaken as I knew what it was and what it could cost. I lay silently.

"The doctors say that you may never be able to conceive," she was crying this time which made me cry as well.

Lee Know on the other hand, was still fast asleep.

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