chapter twelve

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"thank you, again" carter said.

i had gave him a few answers to the math homework.

"of cour-"

"lauren? can we talk please" shawn came over and interrupted us.

he was giving carter a death glare.

"talk to you later" i said to carter and he walked away from me.

"what the hell was that?" shawn said.

"what? i was giving him answers"

"oh yeah just giving him answers" he said.

"yes, actually i was just giving him answers. wasn't trying to sleep with him or something shawn" i said kind of annoyed that he would think anything else.

"you were trying to sleep with him?" he asked.

"seriously shawn. no." i said.

he sighed.

"sorry, i just don't like you talking to other guys who aren't me." he said.

"and i feel the same way about you but i would never cheat on you" i said.

"i know you wouldn't." he said and kissed my head.

"i'll walk you to class" he said.

"okay" i smiled.

when we got to class, we walked in together and sat in our usual seats where i sat in front of shawn.

sometimes or usually most of the time he plays with my hair during class. for some reason he loves doing that.

homecoming is in three days as well and i'm excited because i've never gone with anyone where i has an actual date that wasn't my cousins or part of my family at all.

me and hailey are gonna go shopping tonight so i'm happy.

i walked towards hailey's locker and saw she wasn't with blake which was a first and she was also talking to cameron and they were smiling.

"sorry to interrupt whatever this is.." i said.

hailey started blushing.

"you're not interrupting anything. i'll see you later, laur bean" he said and walked off.

"hey" i smiled.

"hey, you ready to shop?" she asked.

"yes" i said. "so cameron.. what's up with that?"

"nothing" she said but her face said otherwise.

"your red cheeks say otherwise" i pointed out.

"he's cute"

"okay but you don't smile or giggle unless you like them, hay!" i said.

"fine, he asked me to homecoming and i said yes and he is really sweet. maybe i sort of like him"

"i think it's cute. you guys would be adorable" i smiled at her.

"speaking of adorable.. i saw you and shawn this morning. you guys looked like you were arguing. what was that about?" hailey asked me.

"he got jealous i was talking to another guy, but all is good now" i smiled.

"your first argument! how adorable!" she said clapping her hands.

"okay you can stop clapping like it's exciting" i said.

"are you guys gonna match?" she asked me.

"should we? i don't know how this works" i said.

"yes! you have to. me and cameron are gonna" she smiled.

"okay then we will" i said.

i ended up not finding a dress that i really likes but hailey found one so she bought it.

maybe id let my mom take me. she always has good taste in dresses.

i was home now. my dad's been back for a few days too.

i walked inside.

"what's going on?" i asked my parents who were sitting on the couch smiling like something just happened.

"you are unbelievable!" my dad jumped up.

is this happening or is something worse coming along?

"why?" i asked looking at my mom.

my mom walked over to me.

"remember how you auditioned for that dancing school last summer.. and we told you not to do it but you did i anyways?" she asked.

"how do you even know about that?" i asked.

"we just got a letter. you got accepted"

wait what?!?! that's actually crazy. this is like a dream come true actually.

"what?!" i said smiling though.

"i'm so proud of you!" my mom hugged me.

"well i'm not" my father yelled.

"tom. please, let's go talk" my mom said and they walked to the back.

oh my god! i can't believe this. i'm going to be on a tv show

i picked up the letter and they said to call so i did and it starts after school ends.

like 7 months away and i'm so happy.

but they want me to fly to florida next weekend to meet them. and get everything i would need to start in the summer. it's university of south florida.

and the first thing that popped in my head was shawn. i have to tell him:

i have to tell shawn about this so that's what i did, i walked to my room and called him.

he was so excited for me and we ended up talking all night long about this and other things as well.

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