chapter thirty six

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lauren taylor,

i walked inside my house and when i did, i saw my mom and her new boyfriend sitting on the couch and she stood up and walked over to me as soon as i walked inside.

"lauren, i was worried about you." she said. "you didn't answer my calls."

"i was with dad," i said and that took her back i think because she just stood there and looked at me with an unreadable expression.

"lauren," she whispered. "i'm sorry i didn't tell you sooner."

"that's okay," i mumbled.

"are you upset with me?" she asked.

"i was," i said. "but i saw dad and i'm not anymore."

"what did he say?" she asked me.

"i thought you were trying to replace him or... i don't know but he told me that he tried. he told me everything and i'm just sorry. i'm sorry i yelled at you. i don't hate you, mom."

"i would never do that, laur. i love your father, i really do but i wasn't happy with him. but i am happy now."

"i just want you to be happy, so if you're happy. i'm okay." i said.

"thank you," she said with a smile and pulled me into a long hug.


i was sitting outside in the backyard swinging on the swing set that has been out here since i was just a kid. i sat here, thinking about how everything was changing with my family.

"can i sit?" i looked up and saw samantha standing in front of me. this would definitely never not be weird. i looked at her and just nodded my head.

she sat next to me on the swing. "i'm glad you came around."

"if i didn't, would you be here to call me a freakazoid?" i asked with a slight chuckle and she smiled a little.

"yeah, you better watch your back taylor. i'm here for revenge." she joked and i smiled. this felt weird.

"i guess this makes us what? sisters now?" i asked her.

"yeah, i guess it does make us sisters." she said.

"definitely weird." i mumbled.

"for sure," he said.

"but if it had to be anyone, i'm glad it's you." i said to her.

"really? why, i was such a jerk to you?" she asked me.

"i have a tendency to give people second chances who don't deserve them." i said.

"do i deserve that?"

"you do," i nodded.

"really?" she asked and she seemed genuinely surprised at my response.

"yes, because after all you were the same as me. just someone who was trying to work through her own problems and just took it out on the wrong people." i shrugged.

"for the record, i never- i wanted to be friends with you." she admitted.

"you did?"

"i mean, yeah. you were cool, even though you hung out with your cousins. i liked you, i was just obsessed with shawn. not in like a creepy way but i wanted to fall in love with someone and have one of those beautiful epic love stories you read in books but i didn't get it. you did." she said.

"you'll get it, too." i said.

"you think so?" she asked.

"yeah, i do." i said. "and i'll be there to see it."

she just smiled. "we're going to be good sisters."

"yeah, we are." i said.

"lauren?" i heard shawns voice.

"over here!" i said and he walked over and looked between me and samantha.

"uh... should i-"

"we're fine," samantha said. "we're friends."

"friends?" he questioned. "you two are friends now?"

"yes," i nodded. "we are."

"i'm gonna go inside," samantha said as she glanced at me and walked inside leaving me and shawn alone.

he sighed and took samanthas spot in the swing next to me.

"i hate when we fight," he said and i looked at him.

"me, too." i said. "i'm sorry."

"how was it? seeing your dad?" he asked me.

"he stayed," i said. "he never left this place, he stayed for me. he wanted... he never left."

"do you forgive him?"

"no," i shook my head. "but i think us talking was a step."

"i just want you to be careful. i don't want you to get hurt again." he said.

"it's really sweet that you're worried but i think i'm okay." i said.

he nodded, "good."

i just smiled at him and stood up to go inside.

"wait, i have to ask." he said and i turned back to shawn as he stood up and looked at me. "you and samantha are really friends now?"

"yeah, we are." i said.

"why would you be friends with her after everything she put you through? put us through?" he asked me.

"everyone deserves a second chance." i said.

"she ruined our relationship, lauren." he said.

"you did that too, more than once i recall. but i gave you a second and a third chance. why doesn't she deserve the same?" i asked.

he didn't respond to that. i got him there.

"and besides, she's not so bad." i said. "our parents are dating and it's better to like each other than hate because if our parents get married. we'll be stuck with each other forever. and i like the idea of having a sister, i've always wanted one."

"you're too nice." he said. "i love you, for that."

"maybe you should give her another chance too. maybe you shouldn't be so hard on her." i said.

"you... my love, have the biggest heart in the world and you give second chances to anyone- even people who would never deserve one and i love that but... i can't say the same for myself. i'm not as forgiving as you. i still need a little more time and maybe forever to forgive samantha for everything she's done to me."

"it's okay, you don't have to. i understand, shawn." i said and kissed him softly. "i love you."

"i love you, more." he smiled.


let me know what you guys think so far! comment anything you'd like and i'll try to respond! thank you for reading and voting  it means a lot to me <3

the girl in the stands - shawn mendes Where stories live. Discover now