chapter sixteen

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"lauren, these are some of our top students here at florida university." katherine, who was the one introducing me to everyone and showing me around. she was really nice.

"here we have, tanner mack.. he will be a sophomore this summer, candice valentine who will be a junior, and jylian king who is going to be a senior with us. they are very talented." katherine introduced me.

they are all very nice actually. they smiled and i smiled back and i was glad to meet them. maybe we would be friends when i started here after graduation.

"it's nice to meet you all" i smiled and greeted everyone.

right now i was sitting on a bench outside the school.

"hey, why are you out here all alone?" tanner walked over to where i was. i looked at him and wiped the tears from underneath my eyes.

"nothing" i said.

"i'm a good listener, you talk to me." she said.

"i'm sorry" i said letting more tears.

"hey, it's okay" he said rubbing my back.

"i guess this is just the worst weekend possible to be here." i sighed.

"why's that?"

"my boyfriend cheated on me and it just kind of sucks" i shrugged.

"dang.. i'm sorry lauren. you seem like a nice girl.. you don't deserve to be treated that way" he said.

"thank you." i said.

"why don't you come back inside and i can show you the hang out spot, introduce you to some people?"

"that would be great" i said.

i stood up and he lead me inside the building again and i followed him.

after walking around for awhile, we entered a big open room with tables and some people standing around and sitting and talking.

he lead me over to the couches in the far right of the room and there were two other guys and a girl sitting there.

"hey guys" tanner said and they looked up seeing me with him.

"what's up, buddy?" the one with the dark hair said and smiled at me.

"dang, you're hot." the blonde one said making me feel a little weird.

"you guys are idiots." the girl said. she had short black hair and bangs, and she wore classes but she was really pretty.

she stood up and smiled at me. "ignore them. i'm chelsea."

"um, lauren." i said with a slight smile.

"it's nice to meet you" she said.

"yeah, she's lauren. she's gonna be a freshman in the summer for the dancing program" tanner said to the boys.

they stood up. "you're a dancer" the dark haired said.

"yes." i said.

"that's cool." he smiled.

"thanks" i said.

"i can't dance. but tannie here is a pro" the blonde one said putting his arm around him but tanner pushed him up.

"get off" tanner said.

i could feel the dark haired one looking at me but i tried my best not to look back.

"since tanners not gonna do it.. i'm jack" the dark one said looking directly at me now. i looked at him too.

"and he's jack too" he said pointing the blonde one.

"yeah but call me johnson" the blonde shrugged.

"okay cool" i nodded when my phone started to ring.

i took it out my pocket and saw shawn's name pop up. i sighed looking at it.

"ex?" the dark haired jack asked and i looked at up.

"something like that" i mumbled and declined the call.

"don't worry about him. you're way too pretty to worry about some guy in canada." tanner said looking at me.

"yeah, i mean you're beautiful. why be hung up on some guy who hurt you?" dark haired jack said.

"how do you know if he hurt me?" i asked.

"the way you looked at your phone when you saw his name." he said.

i didn't say anything.

"what he do?" blonde jack asked me.

"he cheated on me." i shrugged. "it's no big deal"

"that's like terrible. i'm sorry" chelsea said to me.

"really it's fine. he's the football player and i'm just the girl who gets the good grades. would've of worked out" i shrugged.

"it was nice to meet you guys, but i should-i should go" i told them and walked away.

i found my own way out of the building and just walked down the way tanner walked me here.

"hey, wait" i heard someone say, i turned around and saw dark haired jack running up to me.

i looked at him confused why he was following me.

"my girlfriend cheated on me.. a lot of times so i get how it feels and i just wanted to let you know while you're here, if you wanna talk i'm always available" he said.

"thank you. i appreciate it" i said.

"i'm gonna take a leap here" he said.


"you probably just got out of this relationship and well i think you're beautiful but you think i could maybe get your number?" he asked me.

"you get right to the point" i said.

"yeah, sorry. too soon?" he asked.

"actually no. yes, i will give you my number, it's-" i stopped. "actually wait.. am i bet?"

"what?" he said.

"like did someone bet you to like get me to fall for you or something like that?" i asked.

"um, no" he said. "who would do something like that?"

i didn't say anything.

"your ex?"

"he says he didn't but everyone else says the opposite"

"now i'm guessing you have trust issues which i totally understand but look we don't have to do anything but talk. we can friends? but you're not a bet to me. i swear"

"i believe you" i said and gave him my number before i left for the day.

the girl in the stands - shawn mendes Where stories live. Discover now