Chapter 2

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Klaus groaned. His whole body felt heavy and he was so uncomfortable, he flicked open his eyes to see the bright sun glaring at him. He turned his head away and squeezed his eyes shut. He heard crying of what seemed to be a baby, then the memories came flooding back to him. He immediately sat up and looked around, he was on a beach. Wood was everywhere, pieces of the sail were stuck to it. Klaus looked around desperately, he needed to see his sisters and adopted sister alive. He jumped up and followed the sound of crying. He threw bits of wood up, not caring where it went, he eventually uncovered Violet lying on her side, her arms were covering Beatrice. 

"Violet!" Klaus cried, happy to see her, Violet stirred a little. 

"Klaus?" She asked. 

"Yes, it's me, are you okay?" 

"Yes I'm fine, check on Beatrice, she's so little, that crash was dangerous," Klaus picked up her arm to find Beatrice, still screaming. He lifted her up and cradled her. "Shh..." Beatrice didn't stop crying. He stroked her head softly, trying desperately to quiet her. He eventually placed her down onto the soft, warm sand. He turned back to Violet, her legs were trapped under a heap of wood. He pulled at the wood and finally dislodged it. She pulled her legs to her chest. 

"Owch! That really hurt my left leg!" Violet cried.

"Come on! Get up!" Klaus begged, Violet stood. She fell down and clutched her left ankle. 

"Are you okay?"

"Yes. Where's Sunny!?" 

"I don't know!" Violet shot up and winced, but didn't show it on her face. She picked up a few pieces of wood and 2 long stretches of the sail's material. She used one to tie up her hair.

"What are you doing?"

"Making something to free Sunny when we find her." Violet used the other piece of cloth to tie the pieces of wood together."I'll use the Devils knot. It'll work better,"  She said. 

"What is it?" 

"A lever," Violet runs up to another huge chunk of wooden planks and sticks her invention under it. She puts a rock on the beach underneath the lever and pushes it down. The wooden planks move up and it reveals nothing. Violet pulls out the wooden lever and runs up to another clump of wood. Violets sticks the lever under the wood and pushes down, revealing Sunny. Klaus grabs her and pulls her out of the boat remains.

"Sunny!" Sunny moved in his arms. 

"Beatrice," Sunny whined. Her eyes were still glued shut. 

"She's alive!" Klaus said. Sunny went limp in his arms. "But she's unconscious, grab Beatrice and let's find help,"

"Once we get help and we make sure Sunny is okay we need to find the Quagmires." Violet replied. She leaned down and lifted Beatrice, who was still crying. "Shh..." Violet cooed. 

"Yes! We need to! Hopefully Quigley has found them, then they can land the mobile home," Klaus and Violet, carrying their sibling, began a long walk.

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