Chapter 9

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"Come in come in!" The brunet cried, she was figuratively jumping with excitement. Klaus and Violet dipped their heads with gratefulness. 

"Thank you," Violet said, she was very grateful for their kindness. She frowned, "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your names," 

"Oh sorry, I'm Melody," The brunet said, "This is my sister Charlie," the blonde girl waved, "I have another sister named Hannah, but she's in her bedroom." 

"Call me Polly," The girls' mother said. 

"Thank you, Polly, Melody and Charlie," Klaus said. Melody waved her hand, beckoning them inside, she was smiling so much. Violet and Klaus stepped inside.

"Who is this?" Melody asked, tickling Beatrice under the chin.

"This is Beatrice, Beatrice Snicket, but we like to think of her as Beatrice Baudalaire." Violet answered. Melody nodded her head. When she walked inside, the Baudalaires immediately knew that this family was kind, helpful and most definately not wicked. 

"I think I might have a spare cot from a few years ago," Polly said. 

"Oh it's okay, thank you if I could find the right materials I might be able recreate the cot Beatrice used where we used to be," Polly smiled.

"So, are you staying?" Melody asked.

"If we can, we need some place to stay until I come of age, and buy a house," 

"You can stay here." She smiled. "So, we need sleeping arrangements," 

"I have an idea! You four can sleep in our beds tonight, and me and my siblings can sleep on the matrice we set up in the spare room." Charlie said. 

"We can sleep there, we are used to uncomfortable places, you should sleep on your beds," Klaus replied.

"Exactly! You're used to uncomfortable things! So tonight you're comfortable, besides the matrice is too small for all four of you," Charlie said.

Hannah!" Melody yelled, a short girl, with brown hair and brown eyes, ran to greet them. "This is Hannah," Melody turned to her, "Hannha, you and mom are gonna redo the beds for our guests, me and Charlie will give them a tour and answer any questions that they have." Hannah groaned and stomped over to the girls' mother.

"I'll go with Violet, you can go with Klaus," Charlie called, already walking down the hallway, "Come in Violet!" Polly walked over to Violet and took Sunny from her arms, she frowned and walked into the lounge room.

"I'll look after her," she whispered, she then took Beatrice and placed her on the couch too. Violet mouthed, thanks, and followed the excited girl. Klaus looked at Melody. They smiled shyly to each other.

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