Chapter 24

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Isadora stood up quietly, ignoring the pain in her leg, she walked out of the room to see a horrid sight. Sunny was bawling her eyes out and gripping onto Quigley, Duncan was holding Violet and soothing her. Melody — who had returned from her camp — was being hugged by her two younger siblings and crying too. She had her hair all messed up and knotted, although not that knotted for it rested below her chin. Isadora stepped forward and winced at her leg, she shot a glare at Violet and Duncan.

"I hope you're crying because you're a wicked person for attacking me, I should ratt you into the police right now you wicked little... WICKED PERSON!" Isadora hissed, her arms crossed over her chest. Duncan stopped hugging Violet and stomped over to Isadora. I hope he's going to hug me and join my side. 

"I hate you Isadora!" He yelled and Isadora suddenly felt her cheek burn. He had slapped her. Isadora gasped at the sudden pain and the realisation he had joined the Baudalaires side. She clenched her hands into fists.

"You're no better than Count Olaf!" She spat. Rage buried deep in her voice. "He's just the type of person to slap another, you're not noble,"

"I'm more noble than you!" 

"SHUT UP!!" Sunny screamed. "You wanna yell? OTHER ROOM!!!!!" Isadora raised her eyebrows and walked into the room she was staying in. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Duncan and Violet follow. She also saw Quigley put down Sunny and hug Melody. Melody scowled and shrugged him off. Quigley winked.

"Why did you do it?" Isadora stopped staring at Quigley hitting on Melody and snapped her head around to look at Duncan.

"He beat me up and Milly told the police." She said bluntly.

"Not true..." Violet growled.

"You wanna hear the story?"



"YES OR I'LL KICK YOU OUT!!"  Isadora felt tears threaten her eyes.

"Fine, Klaus became Melody's boyfriend and I got jealous so I hated them. I made friends with Carmelita and Melody's bullies to annoy him and teased him. I hated him so much for ignoring me and not even giving me a chance that I came up with a plan to get him arrested. I attacked him and made him attack me, when I was sure he would keep going from rage and pain, Emma and Ella went and called for students and teachers to come. When they came Millie showed the paper and made a small speech about how he was the murderer, Carmelita called the police and directed them to him. He was arrested and the nurse made sure I wasn't hurt. There, happy?" Isadora felt  cold, wet, fat tears fall from her eyes. Duncan looked at her pitifully but Violet seemed more mad.

"You could have been okay with it! Or you could have told him! That's no excuse!" She was screaming at the top of her lungs and pulling at her hair. 

"Can still hear you!" Sunny yelled from the other room. Duncan stifled a giggle. "Not funny!"

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