Chapter 22

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Klaus sat with his knees up to his chest, he was weeping and his eyes were dry. I hate you Isadora! I hate you! Klaus couldn't believe what she did! Klaus shot his head around and eyed the back of the truck, it was a large space, larger than the cell he spent his 12th birthday party in. His eyes hit the chains on his legs and arms. Although he couldn't see the arms, he was handcuffed. Klaus pulled something out of his pocket, it was a long, thick piece of wire. If only Violet was here, she'd know what to invent! Maybe he should make a lock pick?  Violet had shown him how on his tenth birthday. Klaus couldn't see behind his back though. He closed his eyes, not that he could see much, the only light was a small crack from the barred window that hit the floor. Klaus fiddled and fiddled and fiddled. Eventually his luck, not that he had any, came to an end. The truck stopped and Klaus hit the side, jolting his shoulder. The door swung open and a grinning policeman waltzed in with a gun in his hand. The light from outside caused Klaus to shoot his head away. 

"Hello Klyde!" The policeman chuckled.

"I'm Klaus!" Klaus muttered.

"I know that you're dangerous, and because of that I need to put you to sleep!" He raised the gun and Klaus notice it was armed with tranquillisers, Klaus felt a stabbing pain on his knee and the world began to go black and cloudy. He struggled to keep his eyes open and felt his head hit the ground, everything went black.

That day, Klaus didn't come home from school, Violet was chewing on her hair ribbon, which she never did, she was really nervous.

"Violet, where's Klaus?" Sunny asked with her little baby voice, Violet turned around and saw Sunny standing up and gazing at Violet with fear in her eyes. Violet leaned down and picked her up. Sunny leaned her head against  Violet's neck.

"Don't you worry Sunny, Klaus is probably buying something or going for a walk." Violet replied unsurely. Sunny gave her a doubtful look but pointed to the black couch in the living room. Violet gave her a small smile and put her down, Sunny jumped off and ran to the bedroom she was staying in. 

"No, he's not coming back genious!" Violet sipped her head around and saw Isadora smirking at Violet, her fringe covering her right eye. 

"Shut up you idiot!" Violet screeched at her, Isadora scowled and strutted away. Violet walked into Sally's - the woman whom had let the Baudalaires into her home - room and sat on her Queen-sized bed. Sally was on her phone and looked up at Violet.

"Hello Violet, can I help you?" She asked. Violet gave a small smile.

"H-have you heard anything about Klaus?" She asked. Sally's cheerful look fell. She leaned down and picked a stack of paper off the ground, it was 'The Daily Punctillio' Violet looked on the front page and saw the headline, she gasped and passed out.

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