Chapter 20

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Okay, this is an Authors Note, it seems that this book is turning into a Klaus X Melody, Klaus X Isadora, Violet X Duncan thing sooooo XP. I'm also receiving a lot of Melody hate, so these next few chapters, Melody is at a music camp. 

"Isadora?" Klaus stepped up to the girl who once he had loved. Isadora whipped her head around, her hair was in a ponytail, she was wearing eyeshadow and deep red lipstick. She flicked her hair and her newly cut fringe fell over her eyes.

"What?" She asked sassily. Wow, she really has changed. Klaus thought.

"I wanted to say," He began, Isadora put her fingers to his lips.

"Hush," she said, then she removed her fingers from Klaus' lips and lightly kissed them. She closed her eyes silently enjoyed it. Klaus raised his eyebrows in surprise, but he didn't pull away. "I've wanted to do that for a while," She whispered sweetly. Klaus saw through her fringe that she was starting to cry. She wiped the tears from her eyes with one finger, then she walked past Klaus. Klaus was suprised, he never got to say what he really felt. 

"Wait Isadora!" He cried. Isadora turned around. "I just wanted to say a few things, Melody is mr girlfriend now and I miss you as my friend." Isadora glared at Klaus, she turned back around and walked away silently. Klaus clenched his fist, darn it! I screwed up

School the next day

Klaus sat alone all class, he didn't like it. Why did Melody have to go to music camp during a school week? He had thought. Klaus was sitting alone at lunch when four girls walked up to him, he rego missed the girls straight away, Milly, Emma, Ella and Isadora. 

"Aww look! The nerd kid is sitting all alone!" Milly teased. Emma and Ella giggled. 

"What happened to his nerdy, baby girlfriend!" Ella cried.

"Oh right, I know! She ditched him!" Emma laughed.

"How lame! He's got no friends, and who would wanna be his friend anyway?" Isadora yelled. Klaus gasped. 

"Klaus' got no-one, what's his aim? Oh wait, nothing he's way too lame!" Isadora, Emma and Ella chanted.

"What a Cakesniffer!" Milly screeched. Klaus looked at her suspiciously. Cakesniffer? He thought. "Oh right, this is our newest gang member, Carmelita!" Carmelita stood next to Isadora and out her arm around her. 

"Oh hello best friend!" Isadora giggled. Isadora put her arm around Carmelita and smirked at Klaus. 

A series of unfortunate events book the fifteenth: The new beginningWhere stories live. Discover now