Chapter 26

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"Because Melody is being a brat we'll have to see if one of her sisters will do it." Isadora said, writing on her small booklet with a pen.

"Yeah, I'm sure they wont, Melody wont let them," Violet replied. Isadora snorted.

"They can make their own decisions!"

"Yeah but the family agreed to kick all of us out in two weeks," Violets voice went quiet and Isadora didn't respond so quick, she thought carefully for a while and opened her mouth in a tiny squeak.

"Where will we go?" 

"We'll find somewhere, besides, I'm sixteen in a few months, that'll mean only two more years." Violet chuckled. Isadora didn't laugh.

"That's two-and-a-half years Violet,"

"True..." Violet smirked and tried to pull another joke. "I know where Vice Principal Nero lives,"

"Violet, if you thin any one of us will live with that beep then you eat very much mistook,"

"It was a joke,"

"Now isn't the time for jokes hunny,"


"I dont know!" The two girls went silent again.

"I have an idea!" Violet bounced in her seat.

"Violet we will not live with Esme, or Nero, or anyone from our past!"

"Not that! We're both idiots!" Isadora raised an eyebrow. 

"Hit me," Violet slapped Isadora on the arm. "Not literally!"

"Fine, my idea is to get Quigley or Duncan to call!"

"We are  idiots," Isadora resonded.


"Hello?" Duncan asked, he was on the phone to the police, surprisingly, as well as writing, Duncan had taken drama as a hobby. He was pretty great at acting, he suddenly dropped his kind happy voice and face and figuratively became a distrought child with a missing brother. 

"Hello, My name is Dylan, I am super upset!"


"Because! My brother Louis has gone missing!"


"He has brown hair, brown eyes, he wears glasses and is very... good looking," Violet and Isadora giggled quietly to themselves.


"Yes I have a photo of him,"




"Thank you!" Duncan hung up. He smiled and gave a thumbs up to the girls, who immediately swept in and made Duncan's eyes look tired and restless, his cheeks stained with water, and his nose red and puffy. Duncan smiled at Violet and blushed a bit.

"There you go!" Isadora responded.

"Thanks," Duncan said, staring into Violets beautiful eyes, Violet stared back with a grin. Isadora stood between the two.

"Get. A. Room!" A little toddler Sunny waddled in from the kitchen with a bowl of delicious looking waffles topped with ice-cream, strawberries and syrup on some. 

"I'm here!" Quigley screamed and ran from the bed he was on.

"Quigley finish your food," Sunny scolded. Quigley groaned and sat back on the bed which had piles of candy wrappers and tomato sauce spilled everywhere. "And clean up too!" Sunny added when she saw his bed. Quigley grabbed his giant bowl of hot chips — now cold, and cleaned up the bed. He came back in time for one waffle.

A series of unfortunate events book the fifteenth: The new beginningWhere stories live. Discover now