Chapter 21

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Klaus looked at Isadora on a mix of shock and disgust.

"Why..?" He mouthed. Isadora looked at him apologetically. Carmelita figured out what he mouthed.

"You're too stupid to know! Silly Booksniffer!" Carmelita yelled.

"Booksniffer?" Klaus asked.

You're a booksniffer and a Cakesniffer, duh!" Isadora giggled. Klaus glared at her, she had lost her sweetness, kindness and care for everyone. She laughed at his look. "Aww! The poor bookworm is sad! Do you need your mother?" All five of the girls laughed. They walked off but Isadora lingered. She walked up to Klaus when they turned the corner. She glared at him.

"Isadora, why?" He asked.

"Shut up stupid!" She yelled. She punched him in the nose, Klaus felt a crack and shot his head back in pain. 

"Isadora!" He stood, holding his bleeding nose, and kicked her in the stomach, she fell over and hit her head on the pavement. Klaus stepped on her leg hard, taking out all his anger in her. Isadora looked up at him and kicked him, hitting him between the legs. Klaus caved and stomped hard on the same leg, the one that kicked him. He kept stepping and yelling at her. It wasn't long that he did it, only a few seconds, one of the teachers saw.

"Klaus!" The teacher screamed he ran up to him and pulled him off Isadora. 

"Is that really Klaus?" Milly asked, smirking and stepping up to Klaus. "Or is this Klyde!" She threw down a copy of the 'Daily Punctilio' on the ground. It was the one that framed Klaus and his sisters of murdering Count Omar - whom didn't exist- and burning things down. A crowd was forming and children gasped. Milly's two backup girls and Carmelita spread out in the crowd and screamed things like:

"It's him! He's going to murder us! His sister's must be here somewhere" Causing the students to nod and scream in agreement. The teacher frowned and pulled out his phone, still gripping tight on his arm. 

"Yes, is this Mr Poe?" "Yes, I have Klyde right here with me. Klyde, the murderer, who killed Count Omar. Yes. I'll call them thank you." The teacher fiddled with his phone and pulled it up to his ear again. "Hello, police, I have one of the Baudalaire murderers here, Klyde." He hung up and looked at Klaus. "Where are your murderer sisters?" 

"We're not murders!" He began. "I won't tell you anyway!" He yelled. The teacher demanded answers but got none, eventually the police came. They grabbed Klaus's arms and handcuffed him. 

"Well done sir, you will get the reward for this boy." The police said.

"These five girls found out," The teacher replied and pushed, Milly, Carmelita and the two back up girls forward, he then pointed to Isadora, who was being helped up by a nurse. The police nodded and dragged Klaus away, Klaus struggled and began to cry. His poor sisters, his poor friends, he glared at Isadora, she did this. She and her stupid friends planned this! I will never forgive her. Klaus was thrown into a van back, he had a chain attached to his right leg, another to the handcuffs, and shut the van door. He heard many locks, and Klaus was driven away to the sound of a motor, the smell of petrol and lying on a cold, hard ground. Tears fell from his eyes like a river.

A series of unfortunate events book the fifteenth: The new beginningWhere stories live. Discover now