Chapter 15

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Klaus was figuratively jumping with excitement, his sister whom had not been conscious for many, many days had woken up and been brought home from the hospital. Klaus grabbed Melody's hand and ran out the door, Melody blushed but gripped back too. 

"Finally my sister is home!" He half yelled half said. Melody nodded her head. 

"Finally, I really wanted to meet Sunny!" She exclaimed. The door opened and Polly walled in, Hannah behind her, Hannah was holding Sunny's hand, Sunny had a white ribbon covering her hand. When Sunny walked in she ran up to Klaus, who let go of Melody's hand, and Klausmpicked her up into a big hug. Violet hugged Sunny, still in Klaus's arms. The three like that made Melody envy their relashionship with each other.

"Thanks... Melody," Sunny said, "Thanks... Charlie, thanks... Hannah, thanks... Polly," which probably means something like, Thank you for taking in my siblings and I until we can find ourselves a real home, I am very grateful.

"You're welcome," The family said at the same time.

A few days later 

Melody was upset, no one knew why, but Klaus had a slight idea. He didn't like her being upset, she should be treated kindly, she was such a kind person, she helped him and his siblings, agreed to have the Quagmires and would always be kind to most everyone she met. 

"Polly?" Klaus asked, walking up to the girls' mother. 

"Yes Klaus?" 

"Can I go to school?" He asked.

Polly was suprised, "Really? You are so smart already! I would think you don't need school!" 

"Please, just for this year?" 

"Okay, I'll sign you up into Melody's school, after all , you're high school aged," 

"Thank you," 

A series of unfortunate events book the fifteenth: The new beginningWhere stories live. Discover now