Chapter 6

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"Violet, clean the bathroom, Klaus, clean the kitchen and Sunny, type, send and read my emails!" Nero yelled, his voice ringing throughout the house. Violet frowned in annoyance how dare he make children do his chores.

"Can we have our sister first?" Violet asked.

"One word. N. O." Nero laughed. 

"How do we know that you're not going to just make us keep cleaning your filthy house and keep our sister to yourself?" Klaus demanded.

"That sounds like a wicked thing to do, of course I won't!" 

"He sounds just like Carmelita," Violet mutters.

"I agree," Klaus giggled. Violet slowly made her way to the bathroom, and Klaus made his way to the kitchen, Sunny still in hand. Klaus place Sunny on one of Nero's chairs. Then proceeded to clean.

"Why isn't the baby doing her job?" Nero demanded. Sunny was still unconscious, every minute that dragged on with Sunny still unconscious worried the two older Baudalaires.

"She's unconscious," Klaus replied. "Meaning that she is in some sort of sleep, but not due to tiredness, due to something like, hitting her head, being to hot or fainting. In her case, she must've either swallowed too much water or hit her head when she was shipwrecked." 

"Blah blah blah! Stupid words! Wake her up and make her do her job or you won't get the baby-baby back." Klaus gritted his teeth.

"She. Can't. Wake. Up." 

"Uh, whatever, then you or your orphan sister have to do the emails," Klaus stepped forward, up to Nero, and swung his fist and his head. Nero fell down onto the kitchen table.

"Violet!" Klaus shouted, Violet hobbled out from the bathroom, a peg on her nose, and her hair tied up with the sail's cloth. She saw Nero lying on the ground.

"Time to find Beatrice," 

A series of unfortunate events book the fifteenth: The new beginningWhere stories live. Discover now