Chapter 3

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Along the way Violet's ankle throbbed, a lot. Every few steps she had to stop. 

"What's wrong Violet?" Klaus would keep asking.

"Oh, I've got a rock or something in my shoe." She would respond. Sunny would look at her from Klaus's shoulder. She new that Violet was bluffing. Klaus did too, after what they've been through a pathetic rock wouldn't bother her, and if it did, she would take it out of her shoe. After walking for a while Klaus stopped and stared in horror.

"Violet, look!" Klaus pointed up ahead. Violet looked and shuddered. There stood Esme Gigi Genavieve Squalor and her adopted daughter Carmelita Spats. Luckily they didn't see the Baudalaires. 

"Just walk past them!" Violet hissed. 

"Shouldn't we just turn back!" Klaus asked.

"No use, we're almost past them," Klaus and Violet, carrying their siblings, hastily walked around the two villains, allowing no eye contact. They tried so hard not to be noticed. They failed.

"Well, well, well! If it isn't the Baudalaire brats!" The voice of Esme Squalor rang behind them. 

"Yeah! Cakesniffers!" Carmelita snarled. Violet and Klaus turned around. Carmelita was standing in her pink dress, with her curly hair tied into pigtails with a pink ribbon and Esme was wearing a cheeta print dress running down to her ankles, it was frilled at the end and had a long, white furred rim on the end of the sleeves, dress and collar. 

"I've waited ages for this day Baudalaires," Esme said, coming closer to the Baudalaires. "It's been a long year, I'm suprised that Olaf hasn't killed you yet. Now... There's one thing I know you know where it is." Esme glared daggers at Violet and Klaus. "Where's my sugar bowl!" 

"We don't know Esme, we lost it," Klaus replied. 

"Oh really?" Esme walked closer to the Baudalaires. Carmelita in her heels. 

"Yes, Esme, we lost it, although we do know what's in it, we can give you the insides, not the actual bowl," Violet said.

"What's in it then?" Carmelita Spats barked, stepping closer to the Baudalaires.

"A sugar hybrid that cures and immune system you from the Medusoid Mycelium, a deadly mushroom that VFD created in the Grim Grotto," Klaus said, not even hesitating, causing Violet to get annoyed at him just saying it.

"Wrong! Cakesniffers you got it completely wrong! Right mommy?" Carmelita yelled. Esme's eyebrows raised in suprise.

"How did you-" Esme stopped. "Nevermind, give it here!" 

"On one condition," Violet said, butting in over Klaus, "You leave us and everyone we care about alone, so you're out of our lives." 

"Agreed," Esme grinned greedily, "Hand it over!" Klaus took the apple that saved their lives out of his pocket. Esme's grin fell. "That looks nothing like the sugar!" 

"The sugar hybrid is in the apple! Our parents wrote it down! It saved our lives!" Violet protested. Esme looked at it thoughtfully. 

"Hand it over!" She demanded. Violet placed the red, smooth apple in the hands of Esme Squalor. Esme looked at it with evil joy. 

"We'll be going now," Klaus said, taking a step backwards. 

"Not yet Baudalaire brats!" Violet and Klaus's hearts dropped. Esme lifted the apple up to her face and sniffed it, "This isn't the real apple!" 

"Of course it is!" 

"Then why does it have a label on it?" Esme peeled off a label. "Greenslaper apple farm!" She read. 

"Run!" Klaus screamed, the Baudalaires ran, with their siblings in hand.

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