Chapter 27

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"Is this him?" The policewoman held out a photo of Klaus with tears staining his eyes. He was holding a prison number. "This is Klyde Baudalaire, a murderer orphan charged with murder, robbery and fire starting."

"That's not Klyde! That's my brother!" Duncan exclaimed, bursting into a fake round of tears. The policewoman raised an eyebrow.

"Are you certain?" 


"We'll bring him here and if it is your brother. Er, Louis, we'll let him stay with you."

"Thank you oh thank you!" The policewoman left and got into her car, then she drove away. Isadora and Violet high-fived each other.


Klaus lay on the ground in his cell, his stomach was screaming at him for food and his throat demanding water, his eyes were only just open, for he had gotten no sleep. The cell only produced a crack of light, and that wasnt enough to look around. He had given up looking for a way to escape ages ago, nothing had worked. He was a figurative zombie. I miss you Violet, Sunny, Duncan, Quigley... he thought. He would never forgive or miss Isadora, she had betrayed the Baudalaires for good. Pfft, Carmelita, one thing I never saw coming. Klaus groaned as he moved his ankles slightly, the shackles were digging into his feet, causing immediate discomfort. The police only fed him a bowl of disgusting food once a day, and that was a small bowl the size of Sunny cupping her hands. The bowl was usually half-empty and was a grey liquid and had small lumps that tasted like stale fruit. The liquid tasted like paper and every so often Klaus would find a toenail. That was his daily meal. If he got thirsty he would have to drink the muddy water that was on the ground. Apparently he was too much of a criminal to be treated kindly. Klaus lay and thought back to when he was happy at the Baudalaire mansion, with a library room, filled with the most amazing books. He thought back to the times where he was happy. All of a sudden he heard footsteps, he pulled himself up quickly, despite the pain in his legs, and looked at the door. The footsteps stopped outside his cell and Klaus held his breath. The door swung open, and a Policewoman entered.

"You're free." She said bluntly

A series of unfortunate events book the fifteenth: The new beginningWhere stories live. Discover now