Chapter 17

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"Melody? Are you okay?" Klaus walked up to Melody, the mean girls had left. Melody looked at Klaus with tears in her eyes. 

"Y-yes, I'm fine," She responded, wiping the tears from her eyes. Klaus frowned.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Oh nothing, one of my friends' cat died so I was upset for her," 

"Where is your friend?" 

"Uh... She had to go home, her Mom called saying her cat died, so she is at the office about to go home,"

"Okay... Why aren't you with her?"

"She doesn't need me," Klaus stepped closer, he lifted up her arm, Melody winced, a bit of blood was on her arm, trickling down to her hand. A huge, rock gash was the cause.

"So, why are you hurt?" 

"I... Fell over,"

"That's a obviously a rock gash, also you have bruises all over you,"


"I saw it,"

Melody didn't respond, she burst into tears. Klaus pulled her into a hug.

"There there," he soothed. 

"I don't have any friends!" She admitted.

"You have me," Melody was a tiny bit disappointed, did he just friendzone her? She felt better as they hugged it out though. 

"Klaus?" There was a voice behind him, Klaus turned around to see Isadora and Quigley looking at him hugging Melody.

A series of unfortunate events book the fifteenth: The new beginningWhere stories live. Discover now