02. Jane really

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   I sat in the front seat of the van as Jane spoke to Erik and I sat in silence tapping softly on my thigh. Darcy next to me pursed her lips exhaling in obvious boredom. "Jane, I think you want to see this," Darcy says suddenly. I turn my head looking at the thing in the sky that Darcy had pointed out.

   "What is that?"I stare at it, it was obviously from Asgardian origins both Jane and Erik stand out of the sunroof staring at the thing in the sky.

   "I thought you said it was a subtle aurora?" Erik says as Jane yells for Darcy to drive

   "Get closer," Jane tells her Darcy makes a noise of disapproval.

   "Good one!" Darcy says as she starts to turn the wheel of the van. Jane yells at Darcy. Jane had pushed her way into the front seat as she hung out of the window with her camera out of the window as she filmed the Asgardian portal. The portal lands onto the ground with a loud crash. The van halts as Jane's excited smile drops for a second.

   "What are you doing?" Jane yells fighting for the wheel

   "I am not dying for 6 college credits!" Darcy yells

   "I'm with Darcy," I scream trying to slap Jane's hands from the wheel "I am not dying single!" I yell Jane tries to fight both of us off until finally, we all scream as the van hits a man. "That's on you," I said pushing my hair from my face as I calm down

   "Oh my god," Jane says hurrying out of the van I follow as well as Erik and Darcy come out closely behind me. I kneel on the ground beside the blonde man who had passed out on the ground. "Get the first aid kit!" Jane yells I stare at the blonde he looked so much like Odin but it couldn't Odin. This man was so young looking. I had come to the conclusion it was Odin's firstborn son, Thor. "Do me a favor and don't be dead," Jane mumbles, Thor jumps as he stares at us.

   "Woah, does he need CPR because I totally know CPR," Darcy remarks, the statement went into one ear and out the other.

   "Where did he come from," I went to reply but the explanation died on my tongue. No one seemed to have any idea. Thor yells out coming to a stand startling Jane and Darcy as I stand slowly with my hands out trying not to scare him. Thor starts screaming for his hammer.

   "Yeah, we can tell your hammered. It's pretty obvious," Darcy comments I roll my eyes at her.

   "Oh my god Erik look at this, we have to move quickly before this all changes," I scoff at her priorities. She just hit a man with her van and now she wants to work.

   "Jane really," I say

   "Jane, we have to take him to the hospital," Erik says

   "He's fine, look at him," Thor starts screaming about the Bifrost and at Heimdall. "Hospital, you go, I'll stay," Jane says staring up at the large man.

   "You, what realm is this?" Thor asks he looks at Erik and his eyes move to me. I mouth Midgard "Alfiem? Norheim?"

   "New Mexico!" Darcy says with her taser up

   "You dare threaten me? Thor, son of Odin with your puny-"

   "Darcy! No!" I say as Darcy presses the button and Thor falls shaking as the electricity courses through the blonde. "Darcy what the hell!" I yell when it stops as I kneel beside him.

   "What he was freaking me out," I roll my eyes at the brunette. This was gonna be an adventure. I could feel it.

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