17. I can't feel my magic...

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   I turn around in search of what could make the rumbling noise I heard

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I turn around in search of what could make the rumbling noise I heard. My eyes landing on a large stone that had a red glow. I exhale walking toward it slowly, I could feel the power radiating off it. As I get closer, I notice the pattern on the ground that normally only came from the Bifrost. I walked around the stone trying to catch a glimpse of what was causing the red glow. My hand moves without me thinking to hover over the stone as I watched the red tendrils move within the space between the rock. Whatever was in it launched toward me causing me to step back in shock. I jerk back my hand as the rock closes and the red glow disappears. I could feel its power move through my veins causing me to realize the gravity of what just happened. I mumble curses at my own stupidity. My vision clouds slowly as I look at my wrists. My body lowers and I rest on my knees before I slump completely into a black abyss.

   I woke up slowly, my eyes adjust to the light as I wake

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I woke up slowly, my eyes adjust to the light as I wake. I sit up quickly, getting dizzy by the sudden movement. I rush out finding Jane and Darcy stood with the cops. "Clara!" Darcy yells causing Jane's view to snap at to look at me. She gasps rushing toward me and hugging me. "Where the hell were you?" Darcy asks and I look down

"I don't know," I answer truthfully and vaguely

"You don't know?" Darcy yells

"You called the cops?" I ask Jane and Darcy responds

"What else were we supposed to do!" She says "You were gone for 5 hours!" My brows furrow as it starts to rain and nothing lands on me. I put my hand out as Darcy looks up and so does Jane. "That's weird..." She says I look at Jane whos looking off. I follow her gaze seeing Thor causing my breath to catch again. As I move to walk to him the clear circle follows me causing Jane and Darcy to get soaked. "Typical," Darcy says and I pay no mind to her.

"Clara..." Thor says as I slap him causing his head to snap.

"Sorry..." I mumble "It's been a strange day," I say and he nods before trying to speak. I slap him once more causing his head to snap in the opposite direction. "That's for coming to earth and not visiting me," I say before latching onto him in a hug. "I missed you," I mumble as he wraps his arms around me.

"Clara, where were you?" He asks "Heimdall couldn't see you," He finishes

"That's the problem, Thor, I don't know," I say as I pull away looking up "Something's attached to me... I can feel it, I just don't know what it is," I say Thor puts his hands on my cheeks as I look up into his eyes.

"We'll figure it out," He says. I look at him than his lips, this was one thing I've been waiting for years after New Mexico. I lean up to kiss him but Darcy comes over.

"Is this you?" She asks Thor causing me to huff giving her a glare and Thor looks up seeing the rain and just as he does it seizes causing her to say a quiet oh. "I'm pretty sure we're about to get arrested," She tells me and I sigh

"Give me a second," I tell Thor who nods and I move to the cops that Jane was trying to talk to. "Excuse me," I say

"Are you Clara Devondottier?" He stutters a little on my last name but gets it out and I nod "This is private property, and you're trespassing, the lot of you," The cop says as he reaches his hand out to grab my upper arm "You'll have to come with me," Just as his hand makes contact with my arm a red burst causes everything to explode and me to fly back landing on the ground dazed. I hear Thor saying my name as he runs to me and pulls me up. I hum still dizzy as I notice all the cops with their weapons pulled.

"Are you alright?" Thor asks and I nod as a cop approaches us.

"Place you're hands-on you're head and step back!" The cop says putting his hand out I lean on Thor tiredly

"This women is unwell!" Thor says in protest

"She's dangerous," The cop argues and Thor looks up his jaw setting

"So am I," Thor says

"Thor..." I mumbled looking at my hands "I can't feel my magic," I say as the cop requests back up.

"Hold onto me," He says I do so

"Thor I can't-" as I say this he calls the Bifrost and we're gone.

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